Lat: 41.3°S, Long: 142.9°W, Diam: 40 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside) |
left: Clementine . right: LROC
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
(LAC zone 121C1) USGS Digital Atlas PDF
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Named for William Alison Anders (October 17, 1933-living), an American astronaut who flew on Apollo 8. In December 1968 Anders took a photograph of Earthrise that has become one of the most celebrated of the US space program. This is one of the few lunar features that was named for a living person.
- This name is one of twelve honoring living U.S. and Soviet astronauts and cosmonauts approved by the IAU in 1970 and published in Menzel, 1971.
LPOD Articles
-William Anders; Apollo 8:
- A MOST FANTASTIC VOYAGE; the story of Apollo 8's rendez-vous with the moon (by Lt. Gen. Sam C. Phillips), NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, May 1969.