[hide]- 1 Anaglyphs (STEREO IMAGES!) of the moon's surface
- 1.1 Description
- 1.2 Additional Information
- 1.3 The Station 2 boulder, near Saint George crater (Apollo 15)
- 1.4 The central and southern parts of Mons Vitruvius, photographed from Apollo 17's Stations 6 and 7 on the slope of the North Massif
- 1.5 Parallel Viewing and LRO's High Resolution photography
- 1.6 LPOD Articles
- 1.7 APOD articles
- 1.8 Links to other 3D-STEREO websites and pages
- 1.9 The Pulfrich effect, and the use of Stereoscopy
Anaglyphs (STEREO IMAGES!) of the moon's surface
(glossary entry)Description
Anaglyphs are stereoscopic images composed of two slightly shifted photographs (mostly black and white), printed in the opposite colors red and cyanblue (or sometimes magenta and green). Such a stereoscopic image must be observed through glasses composed of a red and a cyanblue filter (both eyes are looking through two color filters).
Additional Information
The use of the anaglyph-technique in lunar photography (telescopic photographs and orbital images) is a very interesting way to explore the relief of the moon's cratered and mountainous surface. Most of Apollo 15's, Apollo 16's, and Apollo 17's orbital Fairchild- and Itek-camera photographs (Mapping and Panoramic camera photographs of the moon) are exquisite material to create wonderful anaglyphs! Many orbital Hasselblad-camera photographs are also worthwile to investigate, because of the possibility to create anaglyphs.
The first part of Apollo 16's Hasselblad-magazine 122/QQ shows a series of farside photographs of the lunar horizon. Each one of those photographs could be used to create stereoscopic views, together with the preceding or following photograph. Parallel viewing shows the depth already! Research Danny Caes.
Frames AS17-153-23523 to 23561 in Apollo 17's Hasselblad magazine 153/MM (the Mare Ingenii region and environs) could be used to create wonderful stereoscopic views! Research: Danny Caes
The Station 2 boulder, near Saint George crater (Apollo 15)
Close up images of the Station 2 boulder reveal curious lightbluish spots and lots of specular sun-reflecting metal-like drops. The Hi-Res scans of those close ups (AS15-86-11570 and 11571) are worthwile to look at, especially as a stereoscopic image (to explore the "metallic drops", the curious bluish colors, and lots of weird-looking cavities). Parallel viewing technique required!
Another pair of close-up stereo photographs reveal a very weird shaped surface, with curious metal-like cavities and the sun's specular reflections on it.
AS15-86-11554 and 11555. Parallel viewing technique required!
Research: Danny Caes
The central and southern parts of Mons Vitruvius, photographed from Apollo 17's Stations 6 and 7 on the slope of the North Massif
I don't know if I'm the first on this planet who's about to try to use the southward looking Hasselblad photographs of the central and southern parts of Mons Vitruvius as a series of stereoscopic pairs? The northern part of Mons Vitruvius was called the East Massif during the mission of Apollo 17. The part of Mons Vitruvius which was visible in between the East Massif and the South Massif looks rather chaotic, but... via the stereoscopic parallel viewing technique it is perhaps possible to try to "locate" the different lower bulbous peaks of the central and southern parts of Mons Vitruvius. Wish me good luck!
- DannyCaes Feb 17, 2013
Parallel Viewing and LRO's High Resolution photography
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) made wonderful close up photographs of various parts at and around the moon's north and south poles. Several named and unnamed formations at the moon's equatorial zones were also photographed. One of the more northern formations; the bright raycrater immediately northwest of Chevallier and east of the couple Atlas/Hercules (nicknamed Atlas Companion by Bill Dembowski) was twice photographed at different angles. These two photographs (which show the craterlet's chaotic inner slopes and floor) could be used as stereo-frames! See at LON: 49.82, LAT 46.74 on the LRO's ACT-REACT Quick Map (add 4 M/PIX to get a good view of the craterlet's chaotic floor!).
- DannyCaes Jun 19, 2011
LPOD Articles
Red & Blue on the Limb (the Bailly and Hausen region).
lpod/August 8, 2008|Happy 8/8/8 (floor and slopes of Tycho).
Seeing Double (Copernicus area).
Stereo Moon (southern highlands).
Double Vision (moon and Earth by Kaguya). Although this is not a real anaglyph, it's a worthwile 3D/STEREO-experiment! (parallel viewing, by Brian May).
Lucky Eclipse Pair (Total Lunar Eclipse in 3D). Parallel viewing, by Brian May.
Up and Down, all around (movie of rotating moon's sphere, by Maurice Collins).
Twirling World (J-P Metsavainio's rather "unusual" look at our moon)(see also his website, which contains lots of parallel- and cross-eye views of the moon and deepsky objects!).
Perspective (remarkable Parallel Vision close-up photographs of crater De Roy N, by Chandrayaan-1).
Wobble Anaglyph (this is perhaps the most unusual LPOD of the entire collection!).
APOD articles
The Eagle Rises (Apollo 11's LM -Eagle- (Ascent Stage), the moon, and distant Earth).
Apollo 17: VIP-Site Anaglyph (Apollo 17's LRV, aka Challenger's Baby, at the final parking place).
3D Full Moon
Apollo 12: Stereo View Near Surveyor Crater
Apollo 12 & Surveyor 3
Links to other 3D-STEREO websites and pages
The LROC Images section (these extraordinary pages contain hundreds of red/blue anaglyphs, composed from the LRO's HiRes close-up photographs which show all sorts of lunar surface formations)
The 3-D Moon (
Lunar N Pole & Earth (LPOD Photo Gallery)
Leakey (LPOD Photo Gallery)
Lansberg (LPOD Photo Gallery)
Apollo Lunar Surface Closeup Camera (ALSCC), Stereographs for cross-eyed viewing.
Patrick Vantuyne's Apollo-anaglyphs
The Pulfrich effect, and the use of Stereoscopy
- See also page 167 in M.G.J.Minnaert's Light and Color in the Outdoors (the phenomenon of oscillating double stars because of the Pulfrich effect), and pages 1372-1373 in Volume 3 of Burnham's Celestial Handbook : a description of Herschel's telescopic observation of the oscillation of a dim star near Enif (Epsilon Pegasi), and also pages 196-197 in T.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 2; the Stars (again Herschel's observation of Enif/ Epsilon Pegasi).
- The Pulfrich effect is also noticeable during telescopic observations of the open cluster NGC 2362 in Canis Major (also called the Tau Canis Majoris Cluster, of which the brighest star Tau CMA is nicknamed the Mexican Jumping Star because of the striking effect of "jumping independently, not related to the dim stars of the cluster").- DannyCaes Feb 11, 2011