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Lat: 8.0°S, Long: 5.7°E, Diam: 36 km, Depth: 2.47 km, [/R%C3%BCkl%2045 Rükl: 45]

Table of Contents

[#Halley Halley]
[#Halley-Images Images]
[#Halley-Maps Maps]
[#Halley-Description Description]
[#Halley-Description: Elger Description: Elger]
[#Halley-Description: Wikipedia Description: Wikipedia]
[#Halley-Additional Information Additional Information]
[#Halley-Nomenclature Nomenclature]
[#Halley-LPOD Articles LPOD Articles]
[#Halley-Bibliography Bibliography]
external image normal_Halley-Ap_16_M572.jpg
Ap_16_M572 Note: this orbital image was taken at an oblique angle (25° camera tilt), which accounts for the elliptical appearance of the crater.


LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images

  • Plus two "forgotten" Hasselblads of Halley: Apollo 12's AS12-50-7429 and AS12-50-7430.
  • Three "forgotten" Fairchilds of Halley: Apollo 16's AS16-M-1402, 1403, and 1404.
  • Additional research orbital Apollo 12 and Apollo 16 photography: Danny Caes


([/LAC%20zone LAC zone] 77C2) LAC map Geologic map LM map LTO map


Description: Elger

([/IAU%20Directions IAU Directions]) HALLEY.--A ring-plain, 21 miles in diameter, on the S.E. border of [/Hipparchus Hipparchus], with a bright wall, rising at one point on the W. to a height of 7500 feet above the floor, which is depressed about 4000 feet below the surface. Two craterlets on the floor, one discovered by Birt on Rutherfurd's photogram of 1865, and the other by Gaudibert, raised a suspicion of recent lunar activity within this ring. A magnificent valley, shown in part by Schmidt as a crater-row, runs from the S. of Halley to the E. side of [/Albategnius Albategnius].

Description: Wikipedia


Additional Information

Depth data from [/Kurt%20Fisher%20crater%20depths Kurt Fisher database]
  • Pike, 1976: 2.47 km
  • Arthur, 1974: 2.52 km
  • Westfall, 2000: 2.47 km
  • Viscardy, 1985: 2.51 km


  • AS12-51-7501, an orbital Hasselblad photograph of crater Halley and environs (made through one of the small windows of Apollo 12's [/CSM CSM] Yankee Clipper) is the only Apollo-photograph which shows the complete [/LM Lunar Module] (L.M. Intrepid) surrounded by lunar background, instead of black space.
  • A medium-resolution version of this photograph shows [/LM LM] Intrepid "below" the lunar horizon. There's also a King-Size Hi-Res version of this photograph, online in Kipp Teague's PROJECT APOLLO ARCHIVE. - DannyCaes DannyCaes Dec 6, 2007


  • Named for Edmond Halley FRS (November 8, 1656 – January 14, 1742), an English astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician, meteorologist, and physicist. One problem that attracted his attention was the proof of Kepler's laws of planetary motion. In August 1684 he went to Cambridge to discuss this with Isaac Newton, only to find that [/Newton Newton] had solved the problem but published nothing. Halley convinced him to write the Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis (1687), which was published at Halley's expense.
  • According to [/Whitaker Whitaker] (p. 221), this name was introduced by [/Birt Birt] and [/Lee Lee]. The name Halleyius had been used earlier by [/Hell Hell], but for a different formation (p. 93).

LPOD Articles



APOLLO OVER THE MOON; A VIEW FROM ORBIT, Chapter 3: The Terrae (Part 2), Figure 49.

This page has been edited 1 times. The last modification was made by - tychocrater tychocrater on Jun 13, 2009 3:24 pm - afx3