Rükl 41

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Rükl Zone 41 - EUCLIDES

Neighboring maps on the Rükl Nearside Map:










Photographic Map

(This map is based on an Earth-based photograph that has been computer-corrected to zero libration. The vertical white lines indicate the left and right boundaries of the Rükl rectangle)
Background image source

Named Features

  • Apollo 13, S-IVB stage (the first one of five S-IVB stages which impacted on the moon to show artificially created seismic waves, the S-IVB stage of Apollo 13 impacted near Lansberg B, south-southwest of Lansberg itself).
  • Arc of Herigonius / Arc north of Herigonius (two nicknames from D.Caes for the curious arc-shaped remains of a crater north-northeast of Herigonius).
  • Deriennes (Derienes) (Riccioli's disallowed name for the high-albedo crater Letronne A).
  • Dorsa Encke C (an unofficial name from D.Caes for the western wing of the Euclides F system of wrinkle ridges).
  • Dorsa Ewing
  • Dorsum Euclides F (an unofficial name from D.Caes for the wrinkle ridge running through the bowl-shaped crater Euclides F and splitting northward into several branches up to Encke C (northwest) and Lansberg G (northeast), the whole system looks very much like some sort of tree, or an angel with huge wings!).
  • Dorsum Euclides J (an unofficial name from D.Caes for the wrinkle ridge west-northwest of Euclides J, this could be the western continuation of J.N.Krieger's Jekaterinburg damm in the western part of Mare Cognitum, see Chart 42).
  • Dorsum Lansberg G (an unofficial name from D.Caes for the eastern wing of the Euclides F system of wrinkle ridges).
  • Euclides (the high-albedo nimbus around this bowl-shaped crater was J.Hewelcke's Mons Athos).
  • Ewing's mob (a nickname from D.Caes for the cluster of craterlets about halfway between Scheele and Herigonius, very near Dorsa Ewing).
  • Herigonius
  • Insula Aethusa (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for a high-albedo spot southwest of Lansberg D).
  • Insula Lea (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for the bright spot at Letronne Pi).
  • Insula Pontia (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for Wichmann and nearby mountains Gamma, Theta, etc) (called the Leon hills on the moonmap of Rand Mc.Nally).
  • Leon Hills (a disallowed name for the system of semi-circle shaped hills north-northwest of Wichmann, officially known as Wichmann R) (the name Leon Hills was printed on the large greenish colored moonmap of Rand McNally, and on the same map in Patrick Moore's Atlas of the Universe, 1983).
  • Mare Aegyptiacum (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for the southern part of Oceanus Procellarum).
  • Mons Athos (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for the bright nimbus around Euclides).
  • Montes Riphaeus (and all of J.N.Krieger's named subdivisions of it, see E.A.Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon, page 164) (Van Langren's Parigi).
  • Montes Ural (J.N.Krieger's name for the northwestern part of the Montes Riphaeus).
  • Norman (and the half crater, appearing as an appendage at the southern part of Norman's rim) (see also at Sinas in Mare Tranquillitatis).
  • Oceanus Procellarum (Van Langren's Oceanus Philippicus) (the southeastern part of it, occupying the whole of Chart 41).
  • Peninsula Fulminum (Riccioli's discontinued name for the region between Gassendi and Letronne, depicted at the lower left corner of Chart 41).
  • Rimae Herigonius
  • Rudaux (a disallowed name from F.C.Lamech for Lansberg C, southwest of Lansberg itself).
  • Scheele
  • Scheele arc (an unofficial name from D.Caes for the curious arc and adjacent hillocks east of Scheele) (these are the remains of a large crater).
  • Scheele hills (an unofficial name from D.Caes for the officially unnamed cluster of hills west of Scheele).
  • Schlumberger (a disallowed name from F.C.Lamech for Lansberg D; the pronounced bowl shaped crater southwest of Lamech's Rudaux, aka Lansberg C).
  • Snake of Herigonius (a nickname from D.Caes for the northeastern end of Rimae Herigonius, at 11°45' South/ 35°45' West).
  • Thin wrinkle ridge (some sort of nickname from D.Caes for the north-south running thin ridge north of Herigonius, at LAT -11.4 / LON -34.08).
  • Wichmann (J.Hewelcke's Insula Pontia') (with Rand McNallys Leon Hills).
  • Three sections of the arc Wichmann R (NNW of Wichmann) seem to have received Greek letter designations: Wichmann Gamma (central part), Wichmann Epsilon (eastern part), Wichmann Theta (western part). Two additional parts to the east seem to have been known as Wichmann Alpha and Wichmann Beta.
  • Zeno (this is a very mysterious case, the name Zeno was printed on one of the charts of J.N.Krieger at the location of craterlet Euclides M near the southern end of Montes Riphaeus) (something to investigate...).- DannyCaes Oct 4, 2015

Lettered Crater Locations

(click on the thumbnails to view full-sized images; use browser BACK button to return to this page)

Full zone with lettered craters

external image Rukl_41_satellites.jpg

Lettered craters by quadrants

(the dashed white lines are the centerlines of the Rükl zones)
North West
North East

external image Rukl_41_satellites_NW.jpg

external image Rukl_41_satellites_NE.jpg

external image Rukl_41_satellites_SW.jpg

external image Rukl_41_satellites_SE.jpg

South West
South East

Additional Information

Abundance of arc shaped incomplete craters

  • There's a curious abundance of bay shaped (arc shaped) incomplete craters in this region. The largest one of these arcs is Montes Riphaeus, which is the western part of a small basin's rim (Mare Cognitum).- DannyCaes Nov 18, 2008