The Solar System

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A series of alphabetic indexes of names of less-known and unknown telescopic observers of the sun, the planets, and comets

The first part (the alphabetic index of names in the chapter THE MOON) is online in the lower half of the page CELESTIAL OBJECTS FOR COMMON TELESCOPES.
The third part (the alphabetic index of names in Volume 2: THE STARS) is online in the page Into the Dungeons of Astronomy.

This page is an appendix to T.W.Webb's classic Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 1: The Solar System (Dover, 1962).
The alphabetic indexes of the hundreds of names are arranged in a special way, according to the chapters THE SUN, MERCURY, VENUS, MARS, THE MINOR PLANETS, JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS AND NEPTUNE, (there was still no Pluto in those days), COMETS, and METEORS.
The purpose of these online alphabetic indexes (in this page) is to create a handy overview of the large amount of names which were printed all over the pages of Webb's Volume 1, with Wikipedia links (biographies).
Webb himself didn't made an alphabetic index of his many mentioned names, which is a pity because such an index (or indexes) could have been VERY useful!
Since June 2015 I feel a powerful compulsion or urge to do something about it (a new approach of T.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes).
- DannyCaes Jul 21, 2015

Note: Most of the names below are already on the moon as official nomenclature (IAU), they don't need Wikipedia links because you can get them in the column at left (see the ABC). The main purpose of this page is to find out who the other names were, and if there are Wikipedia pages for them.

Names in the chapter THE SUN, pages 33-57
Airy 56/ Andrews 34,40/ Apian 34/ Arago 44,55/ Archimedes 55/ Bayley 48 (could this have been William Bayly?)(instead of Bayley?)/ Biela 42/ Birmingham 40/ Birt 44/ Brayley 38/ Brodie 57/ Brown (Miss) 39,40,42,49,51 (definitely Elizabeth Brown)/ Buffham 39,40/ Bunsen 48/ Capocci 39,41,42 (probably Ernesto Capocci di Belmonte)/ Carrington 41,42,48,49,50,51,57/ Casella 37/ Cassini 43/ Chacornac 37,43/ Challis 49/ Cook (Captain) 48/ Cooper 34/ Cortie 49 (probably Aloysius Laurence Cortie)/ Dawes 34,36,38,39,40,42,43,44,50,53/ De la Rue 43/ Dembowski 38/ Deslandres 52/ Dollond 43/ Donati 48/ Ebert 42(a)/ Elger 55/ Ellerman 56/ Elvins 44/ Evershed 52/ Fabricius 34/ Faye 44/ Fletcher 54/ Galileo 33,51,55/ Haag 48/ Hale 50,52/ Hallaschka 48/ Henry 44/ Herschel I 33,34,36,42,43,44,53,54/ Herschel II 34,38,40,41,43,44,48,54/ Hevel 40/ Hodgson 57/ Howlett 37,39,43,48,50,51/ Huggins 38,39,44,54/ Janssen 54,55/ Johnson 46/ Kew 55/ Kirchhoff 43,47,48/ Klein 42,43/ Knobel 44/ Knott 54/ Krone 42/ La Hire 40,41,43,49/ Langley 38,54/ Lassell (Miss) 45/ Laugier 49,50/ Lawson 48/ Le Verrier 54/ Lockyer 39,54,55/ Loewy 43/ Lohse 44/ Long 47/ Lowe 43/ Lubbock 42/ Lynn 42/ Maunder 49/ Merz 34,39 (Georg Merz)/ Messier 37/ Nasmyth 53/ Newall 43/ Noble 36,51/ Peters 41,42,49/ Pickering 34/ Prince 35/ Proctor 45/ Raschig 48/ Robinson 48/ Roscoe 45/ Rowland 45/ Rutherfurd 55/ Schellen 45,48/ Schmidt 39,40,46/ Schroter 42,49/ Schulen 42/ Schwabe 36,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,46,49,52,53,55/ Secchi 35,37,38,39,40,43,44,45,51,52,54,55,56/ Semerau, Walter 42(a-b),56(a)(photographs of the sun)/ Short, J. 52/ Silberschlag 44/ Sporer 44,48,50,55,56/ Stewart 43/ Stewart, Balfour 47/ St.John 51/ Struve O. 54/ Thompson 36/ Thorp 45 (probably Thomas Thorp)/ Valerio, Luca 55/ Weiss 48/ Wilson 38,42,44/ Wolf 46/ Wollaston 47/ Young 54/ Zollner 48

Names in the chapter MERCURY, pages 57-61
Aiyar (of the Kodaikanal Solar Observatory) 57/ Beer 58/ Bessel 58/ Birmingham 58/ Browning 60/ Burton 58, 59/ de la Rue 58/ Denning 59/ Elger 60/ Fowler 60/ Franks 58, 59/ Fritsch 60/ Gruithuisen 60/ Guiot 58/ Hale 57/ Harding 58, 59, 60, 61/ Heis 57/ Huggins 60, 61/ Jarry-Desloges, René 59/ Kohler 60/ Lowell 59/ Madler 58/ Molesworth 59 (definitely Percy Braybrooke Molesworth)/ Moll 60/ Nasmyth 59/ Noble 58/ Pratt 60/ Prince 58/ Schiaparelli 59/ Schroter 57, 58, 59, 60, 61/ Secchi 59/ Trouvelot 58/ Vogel 58/ Wurzelbauer 60/ Zollner 59

Names in the chapter VENUS, pages 61-76
Antoniadi 70/ Arago 65,74/ Arcimis 67,75 (probably Augusto Arcimis Wehrle)/ Banks 75/ Barlow 65/ Beer 64,65/ Belopolsky 70/ Berry 75/ Bianchini 67,69,70/ Bode 68/ Bond 64/ Breen 66/ Briga 65/ Browning 71,76/ Buckingham 67/ Buffham 73/ Cassini 65,67,73/ Cassini, Domenico 67/ Cassini, J.J. 67/ Cauchoix (achromatic) 66,69/ Chacornac 62/ Dawes 63,71,74/ De la Rue 71,73/ Denning 71/ Derham 74/ De Vico 65,66,69,70/ Drew 73/ Elger 75/ Erck 75 (probably Wentworth Erck)/ Flammarion 67/ Flaugergues 66 (probably Honoré Flaugergues)/ Fontana 65,67/ Fournier, G. and F. 70 (probably Georges Fournier, and who was F.?)/ Fritsch 66/ Galileo 61/ Grover 75/ Gruithuisen 66,67,68,72,76/ Guthrie 75/ Harding 71,75/ Herschel I 65,68,73,74/ Herschel II 62/ Huggins 71/ Humboldt 74/ Huygens 62/ Jarry-Desloges, René 70/ Key 71/ Kirch (junior) 74/ La Hire 65/ Lamont 69/ Langdon 66,72,75/ Lohse, I.G. 66/ Lowell 70/ Lyman 67,73,74,75/ Madler 64,65,73/ Maraldi 67/ Mayer, Andreas 75 (mentioned in Neith, the hypothetical moon of Venus)/ Merz (achromat) 67 (Georg Merz)/ Miles (Rev.) 72/ Mills 75/ Milton 61/ Neison 73/ Niesten 70/ Noble 74,75,76/ Olbers 64/ Ormesher 71/ Palomba 69/ Parker, Theodore 63/ Pastorff 66,67,75 (probably Johann Wilhelm Pastorff)/ Perrotin 70 (probably Henri Joseph Anastase Perrotin)/ Petty 75/ Plummer 64/ Pratt 66/ Purchas 75/ Quenisset, Ferdinand 67/ Rosse (Lord) 73/ Safarik 66,67,71,76/ Schiaparelli 67,69,70/ Schroter 64,65,66,68,71,73,74,75/ Schumacher 69/ Seabroke 71/ Secchi 67,69,73/ Short 72/ Slipher 70/ Stuyvaert 70 (definitely Charles Emile Stuyvaert)/ Tacchini 74/ Terby 70,71/ Trouvelot 64,65,66,70,71,72,73/ Valz 66/ van Ertborn (Baron) 66,71,75,76/ Von Hahn 76/ Winnecke 75/ With 71/ With (mirror) 66/ Worthington 71/ Zollner 62

Now, one of the names in the chapter VENUS is van Ertborn (Baron van Ertborn). This van Ertborn seems to have (repeatedly) observed a bright point detached from the southern horn of Venus (of the crescent of Venus). Yes indeed, this is one of the many examples of the phenomenon known as the Cytherean Cusp Caps, mentioned in Mysterious Universe, a handbook of astronomical anomalies (W.R.Corliss, 1979).
But... who was this Baron van Ertborn? Was it perhaps Baron Frans Emmanuel van Ertborn, 1716-1791 ???
Certainly not, because... according to T.W.Webb, van Ertborn observed that bright point near Venus in 1876... (see page 66 in Volume 1 of Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes).
Was it perhaps Baron Octave van Ertborn? (1839-1909).

Names in the chapter MARS, pages 168-179
Aitken 179 /Antoniadi 170,175 /Bakhuyzen 172 (probably Hendricus Gerardus van de Sande Bakhuyzen) /Barnard 177,179 /Browning 177 /Burton 169 /Campani 171 /Cassini 171,178 /Common 179 /Crossley 176 /Dawes 170 /Delambre 171 /de Vaucouleurs, G. 178 b-c (maps of Mars) /Dumarq 171 /Erck 179 (probably Wentworth Erck) /Flammarion 172,174 /Gledhill 176 /Green 170,173,176,177 /Hartwig 179 /Holden 177 /Hooke 171,173 /Huggins 178 /Humboldt 169,171 /Huygens 171,173,174 /Jacob 169 /Janssen 178 /Kaiser, Frederik 171 /Keeler 177 /Klein 170 /Kunowsky 171, 172 /Lau 178 /Linsser 171 /Lockyer 176 /Lohse 171 /Lowell 171,173 /Maraldi 174,176 /Maunder 178 /Mercator 174 /Mitchel 176 /Molesworth 178 (definitely Percy Braybrooke Molesworth)/Pastorff 169 (probably Johann Wilhelm Pastorff) /Perrotin 175 (probably Henri Joseph Anastase Perrotin)/Phillips 178 /Pickering 168,173,175,177,179 /Pratt 170,179 /Proctor 173 /Schaeberle 171,177 /Schiaparelli 171 /Schwabe 169 /Slipher 178 /South 179 /Stoney, Johnstone /175,178 /Terby 172,175 /Tralles 178 /Vogel 178 /Ward 176 /Zollner 169

Names in the chapter MINOR PLANETS (ASTEROIDS/ PLANETOIDS), pages 179-180
This is not really a chapter because, according to T.W.Webb, minor planets hardly come within the design of these pages.
There's only one name in this little chapter; a certain Herr Witt (Carl Gustav Witt, 1866-1946), the discoverer of asteroid Eros.

Names in the chapter JUPITER, pages 180-204
Airy 185/ Allison 199/ Banks 191/ Barnard 203,204/ Barneby 201/ Benzenberg 191/ Bianchini 193/ Birmingham 182/ Birt 203/ Bolton 199/ Bond 193,199,200/ Bond II 180/ Boyd 191/ Brook 191/ Browning 185,202/ Buckingham 188/ Buffham 191,194,202,203/ Burnham 203/ Burton 185,189,194,200,201,202,203/ Campani 197/ Carlisle 196/ Carpenter 185/ Cassini 181,186,199,203/ Chevalier 189/ Cooke 189/ De Gasparis 199/ De La Rue 182,189/ Dennett 194/ Denning 180,186,190,191,193,198/ Earl of Rosse 180,185/ Engelmann 181,192,193,195/ Flammarion 203/ Fraunhofer 200/ Galileo 183,192/ Gambart 204/ Gledhill 185/ Gorton 196,202,203/ Green 184,186/ Grover 192,203,204/ Halley 198/ Harding 199/ Heis 191/ Herschel 185/ Hind 186/ Hirst 186/ Hirst (Miss) 186/ Hodgson 196/ Hooke 181,186/ Horrocks 180/ Huggins 188/ Humboldt 180/ Huygens 188/ Ingall 201/ Innes 194,200,201/ Jacob 185,191/ Johnson, S.J. 180/ Key 193,200/ King George 198/ Kitching (Mr. and Mrs.) 191/ Klein 193, 199/ Lassell 185,188/ Le Sueur 188/ Levander 191/ Lohse 189/ Lord Rosse 185,186/ Maclear 204/ Main 181,204/ Maraldi 193,199,202/ Marquis of Ormonde 191/ Mason 191/ Melothe 204/ Merz 200 (Georg Merz)/ Mitchel 194/ Molesworth 187 (definitely Percy Braybrooke Molesworth)/ Nangle 198/ Nicholson 204/ Noble, Capt. W. 180/ Parson 191/ Pearson 204/ Perrine 204/ Phillips 186/ Phillips, T.E.R. 186 a (drawings of Jupiter)/ Piazzi Smyth 190/ Pickering 180,192/ Porter 191/ Proctor 202/ Ringwood 196/ Sadler 200,203/ Schon 191/ Schumacher 196/ Schwabe 185,186,187/ Smith, T.T. 193/ Smyth 204/ South 186,197,200,203/ Stoddart 191/ Tebbutt 200/ Terby 203/ Todd 191,196/ Torricelli 183/ Trouvelot 203/ Vogel 188,195/ Williams, Stanley A. 185,186/ Wray 196/ Zollner 180/ Zucchi 183

Names in the chapter SATURN, pages 204-221
Aitken 217/ Banks 220/ Barnard 206,210,215/ Bazley 220/ Bond 211,212,213,217,218/ Bond I 207/ Bond II 206,208,216/ Browning 207/ Burton 211,215/ Busch 207/ Campani 213/ Capron 220/ Carpenter 214/ Cassini 207,210,215,220/ Cassini II 215/ Cauchoix (achromatic) 213/ Chacornac 208/ Clarke, Samuel 215/ Common 214/ Coolidge 208,211,212,216/ de la Rue 207,211,212,216/ Denning 208,212/ de Vico 212,217/ Elger, T.G. 216/ Encke 211,212/ Fatio 207/ Franks 219/ Freeman, A. 207,208,216,219,220/ Galileo 209/ Galle 213/ Gallet 206/ Gledhill 220/ Grover 207,213,216,220/ Guillaume, J. 208/ Hall 206,208/ Hall, A. 210/ Harding 207,217/ Hepburn, M.N. 210/ Herschel 208,211,213/ Huggins 208,217/ Hunt 220/ Huygens 205,207,209,219/ Jacob 208,211,214,216/ Janssen 208/ Kater 210/ Keeler 215/ Kitchiner 219,220/ Lardner 218/ Lowell 210/ Luther 207/ MacEwen, H. 216/ Maggini 211/ Marth, A. 205/ Maxwell, Clerk 215/ Merz 213 (Georg Merz)/ Mitchel 211/ Neil, Sir Paul 219/ Olbers 217/ Oudemans, J.A.C. 206,210 (probably Jean Abraham Chretien Oudemans)/ Perry 219/ Phillips 210/ Piazzi Smyth 211/ Pickering 205,220/ Pickering, W.H. 219, 221/ Pierce 215/ Proctor 206,215/ Ross 213/ Schumacher 212/ Schwabe 206,207,212,217,218/ Seidel 205/ Short 210/ Smyth 218/ Struve 211,213/ Struve, Otto 210,213/ Struve II 214/ Terby 208/ Trouvelot 211,214,216/ Vogel 208/ Ward 219,220/ Whiston 215/ Whitley 213,214/ Williams, A.S. 207,220/ With 211/ Wray 214,218,219/ Wren, Sir Christopher 219/ Wright, Thomas 215

Names in the chapter URANUS AND NEPTUNE, pages 221-223 (back then, the object which is nowadays called PLUTO was still unknown)
Bianchini 223/ Buffham 221/ Hall, Maxwell 222/ Henderson 222/ Huggins 222/ Lawson 221/ Marth 222/ Perrotin 221 (probably Henri Joseph Anastase Perrotin)/ Sadler 222/ Slipher 222/ Smyth 222/ Vogel 222/ Ward 222/ Young 221

Names in the chapter COMETS, pages 223-240
Barnard 234,238,240/ Bessel 231/ Biela 227,238/ Birmingham 229/ Boguslawski 233/ Bond 225,230/ Brooks 229,236,239,240/ Chacornac 231/ Chambers 225/ Chéseaux 234/ Coggia 225,231,237/ Cuevas, Charles 232b (photograph of comet Arend-Roland)/ Daniel, Zaccheus 236/ De la Rue 238/ Denning 223,226,229/ De Vico 239/ Donati 224,225,227,228,229,230,233,235/ Draper 238/ Dreyer 240/ Dunlop 234/ Encke 229,234/ Esclangon 229/ Fowler 236/ Gale 236/ Halley 231,232,236,237/ Hartnup 228,232/ Hind 225,228/ Hirst 228/ Holmes 236/ Hook 235/ Huggins 229,230,235/ Jansen 238/ Kellner (eyepiece) 240/ Kepler 223,224,232/ Kleiber, J. 224/ Klein 229/ Liais 234,238/ Lucan 237/ Mellish 239/ Mitchell, Miss 228/ Morehouse 234,236/ Newton 234/ Olbers 238/ Pape 233/ Pastorff 225 (probably Johann Wilhelm Pastorff)/ Pingré 225/ Plummer 235/ Schaeberle 235/ Schmidt 228,239/ Schwabe 232/ Seneca 237/ Slipher 236/ Struve 238/ Swift 234,238,240/ Tycho 228,232/ Virgil 237/ Vogel 236/ Webb, John 223/ Wells 228,235/ Winnecke 228,238/ With 231/ Wolf 229,232/ Zlatinsky 236

Names in the chapter METEORS, pages 240-249
Biela 240,241/ Cuevas, Charles 242a (photograph of a bolide)/ Denning 246,249/ Halley 241/ Kleiber, J. 244/ Kolkin, Al 242a (photograph of a bolide)/ Newton 240/ Schiaparelli 240/ Wolf 249

Danny Caes,
The explorer and investigator of not-so-recent astronomy
Ghent - Belgium