Names of J.F.J.Schmidt
[hide]Names of Johann F. Julius Schmidt (1825 - 1884)
Additional information to Appendix L (page 224) in Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon, a history of lunar cartography and nomenclature (Cambridge, 1999).
Research: Danny Caes
About Schmidt himself: Johann Friedrich Julius Schmidt.
Discontinued names
- Barth (Birt's Grove)
- Heinrich Barth (1821-1865), German explorer of Africa and scholar.
- Schmidt note (p. 228) that by using the name Barth he could honor not only the African explorer Heinrich Barth, but also the three generations of the Leipzig family that had helped him with the publication of Lohrmann's maps.
- See also reference 8 on page 116 in Epic Moon (Sheehan/Dobbins).
- Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag
- Adolph Ambrosius Barth (1827-1869), publisher and bookseller. See also the alphabetic list of burials at the cemetery of the Friedenspark in Leipzig, Germany.
- Cap Chamisso (Webb's Mons Argaeus)
- This could have been Adelbert von Chamisso (1781-1838), German poet and botanist.
- Epicurius (Birt's De La Rue)
- Was it Epicurius or Epicurus? (341 BCE - 270 BCE), ancient Greek philosopher.
- Cap Faraday (Promontorium Faraday: the southern end of Montes Caucasus)(the name Faraday is also printed on Birt's map, in different location)
- Possibly Michael Faraday (1791-1867), English scientist.
- Hencke (Birt's Daniell)
- This could have been Karl Ludwig Hencke (1793-1866), German amateur astronomer and discoverer of asteroids 5 Astraea and 6 Hebe.
- Melloni (probably the same as Wilkins's Burrell, north of Hansteen, in Oceanus Procellarum)
- Possibly Macedonio Melloni (1798-1854), Italian phycisist.
- About Schmidt's Melloni, see also page 275 in EPIC MOON by W.P.Sheehan and T.A.Dobbins (Willmann-Bell, 2001).
- Mons Serao (slightly east of Mons Wolff in the Montes Apenninus)
- Timoleon (south of Gauss, northeast of Hahn)
Official names
- Promontorium Agassiz
- Mons Ampere
- Argelander (also on Birt's map, in different location)
- Asclepi
- Beer (also on Birt's map, in different location)
- Birt (also on Neison's map, in different location)
- Breislak
- Brisbane
- Bunsen
- Carrington (also on Birt's map, in different location)
- Celsius
- Chladni
- Cusanus (first used by Van Langren as "Cusae", then by Riccioli)
- d'Arrest
- Daguerre (see also Krieger's and Konig's list)
- Darwin
- de Gasparis
- Dechen
- Demonax (Franz's Jungnitz)
- Promontorium Deville
- Dove
- Epimenides
- Feuillé (Feuilée)
- Cap Fresnel (Promontorium Fresnel)
- Galle
- Galvani
- Haidinger
- Hamilton
- Heis
- Helmholtz
- Heraclitus
- Ideler
- Janssen (also on Birt's map, in different location)
- Kaiser
- Kane
- Kirchhoff
- Krusenstern
- Kunowsky (also on Neison's map, in different location)
- Le Verrier (see also page 150 in Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon; Lecouturier and Chapuis, "Leverrier")
- Liebig
- Lockyer (also on Birt's map, in different location)
- Luther
- Lyell
- Madler (also on Birt's map, in different location)
- Mallet
- Monge
- Mostlin (Maestlin)
- Naumann
- Neumayer
- Noggerath
- Opelt (Krieger's Keeler)
- Palmieri
- Peirescius
- Petermann
- Peters (also on Birt's map, in different location)
- Protagoras (Birt's Ward)
- Regnault
- Reimarus
- Rumker (Mons Rumker)(also on Birt's map, in different location)
- Schwabe
- Sina (Sinas)
- Spallanzani
- Volta
- Wallace
- Watt
- Wohler
- Young
- Zeno (not the same as Krieger's Zeno at Montes Riphaeus!)
- Zollner
J.F.J.Schmidt in Sky and Telescope:
April 1958 (17, 6) 290October 1963 (26,4) 204
March 1977 (53,3) 173