Lunar Dorsum
[hide]List of Lunar Dorsa (wrinkle ridges in mare regions)
Note: to get the dimensions of all the wrinkle ridges and their official names one should explore the LROC's ACT-REACT Quick Map (the WAC-Mosaics which show Big Shadows) (the moon's nearside and farside as two separate mosaics).
Or... explore the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon (Charles A. Wood / Maurice J.S. Collins).
Dorsa / Dorsum (IAU-named)
Dorsa Aldrovandi, Dorsa Andrusov, Dorsa Argand, Dorsa Barlow, Dorsa Burnet, Dorsa Cato, Dorsa Dana, Dorsa Ewing, Dorsa Geikie, Dorsa Harker, Dorsa Lister, Dorsa Mawson, Dorsa Ramsay (discontinued name?), Dorsa Rubey, Dorsa Smirnov, Dorsa Sorby, Dorsa Stille, Dorsa Tetyaev, Dorsa Whiston, Dorsum Arduino, Dorsum Azara, Dorsum Bucher, Dorsum Buckland, Dorsum Cayeux, Dorsum Cloos, Dorsum Cushman, Dorsum Gast, Dorsum Grabau, Dorsum Guettard, Dorsum Heim, Dorsum Higazy, Dorsum Lambert (discontinued name), Dorsum Nicol, Dorsum Niggli, Dorsum Oppel, Dorsum Owen, Dorsum Scilla, Dorsum Termier, Dorsum Thera, Dorsum Von Cotta, Dorsum Zirkel
Note: Dorsum Thera is the only one of the IAU's lunar dorsa which is not named after a scientist, Thera is a Greek feminine name.
Historic unofficial names of wrinkle ridges
- Serpentine Ridge (in Mare Serenitatis).
- Barker's Quadrangle / The Trapezium (in the southeastern part of Mare Crisium).
- Jekaterinburg Damm (one of the disallowed names from J.N.Krieger for the wrinkle ridge between Euclides D and the central section of the Riphaeus range).
Very rare:
- Richard's Ridge (this must have been one of W.R.Birt's names for a formation near Fracastorius, see Lunar Objects Suitable for Observation in December 1879, page 298).
Unofficially named (and nicknamed) wrinkle ridges, by Danny Caes
- A
Rukl 32 - Dorsa Aestuum (the pronounced system of wrinkle ridges in the southeastern part of Sinus Aestuum) (see also its southwestern continuation Dorsum Schroter M).
Rukl 9 - Dorsum Angstrom B (the wrinkle ridge north-northeast of Krieger to Angstrom B).
Farside - Dorsum Apollo (the wrinkle ridge on the central part of the basin Apollo, north of Borman V).
Rukl 35 - Dorsum Arago E (the wrinkle ridge east of Arago E, running southward toward its source Lamont).
Rukl 18 - Dorsum Aristarchus F (the wrinkle ridge south of Aristarchus F).
Rukl 37 - Dorsum Asada (the wrinkle ridge west of the bowl-shaped crater Asada).
Rukl 12 - Dorsum Autolycus K (the wrinkle ridge south of Rimae Theaetetus, running across craterlet Autolycus K) (in some way connecting both Montes Caucasus and Montes Apenninus).
- B
Rukl 47/58 - Dorsum Beaumont (or Beaumont's Twenty Nine East Ridge: the pronounced ridge immediately north of Beaumont at the western part of Mare Nectaris, which is an interesting telescopic target during oblique illumination) (note: the name Twenty Nine East Ridge is some sort of lunar equivalent of the terrestrial Ninety East Ridge on the floor of the Indian Ocean).
Rukl 21 - Dorsum Beer (the wrinkle ridge south-southwest of Beer).
Rukl 10 - Dorsum Bianchini G (the wrinkle ridge eastward of Bianchini G on the floor of Sinus Iridum) (see LPOD August 15, 2012).
Rukl 10 - Dorsum Billet (the wrinkle ridge eastward of Montes Jura, on the floor of Sinus Iridum) (this wrinkle ridge runs through an unnamed bowl-shaped crater which, as I think of it, should receive the official name Billet) (Félix Billet; the composer of "Billet's Rose" which shows the distribution of the first 19 high-order rainbows across the sky) (see LPOD August 15, 2012).
Rukl 33 - Dorsum Blagg (the wrinkle ridge which is running across Sinus Medii, through Blagg).
Rukl 58 - Dorsa Bohnenberger (the system of wrinkle ridges west of Bohnenberger, at the eastern part of Mare Nectaris).
Rukl 42 - Dorsum Bonpland H (the wrinkle ridge north of Bonpland H in Mare Cognitum).
Farside - Dorsa Bose (a curious system of wrinkle ridges on a dark region immediately northeast of Bose, unofficially called Lacus Bose).
Rukl 76 - Dorsum Brisbane H (the wrinkle ridge south-southeast of Brisbane H).
Rukl 76 - Dorsum Brisbane Z (the wrinkle ridge running across the floor of Brisbane Z, aka Oris) (see LROC article Brisbane Z's Australean wrinkle ridge).
Rukl 53 - Dorsa Bullialdus W (the system of wrinkle ridges northwest of Bullialdus which also contains Harold Hill's Causeway).
Rukl 14 - Dorsum Burg (the wrinkle ridge at the western part of Burg's rim, running from the northern to the southern parts of the rim of Lacus Mortis).
- C
Rukl 13 - Dorsum Calippus (the wrinkle ridge near Rima Calippus at the northern part of Mare Serenitatis).
Rukl 3 - Dorsum Capraria (the wrinkle ridge running across the hill Teneriffe Epsilon, aka Insula Capraria, thus named by Hevelius) (see also Dorsum Plato D).
Rukl 9 - Dorsum Caroline Herschel Epsilon (the wrinkle ridge north of the hill Caroline Herschel Epsilon, south-southwest of Promontorium Heraclides).
Rukl 62 - Dorsum Clausius H (the wrinkle ridge near Clausius H, in the long lobate scarp south of Vitello and east of Lacus Excellentiae).
- D
Rukl 39 - Dorsa Damoiseau G (or Damoiseau G ring) (the more-or-less circle shaped system of wrinkle ridges between Damoiseau E (at southwest), Damoiseau G (at northeast), Damoiseau Ga (at southeast), and Damoiseau Gb (at northwest). The centre of this curious ring of wrinkle ridges is the location of a very small hillock which is nicknamed Tiny island by D.Caes. Could this be the uppermost summit of the pronounced central peak of a vanished large crater, of which only some ghost-like appearance of its upper rim remained?).
Rukl 39 - Dorsum Damoiseau H (the wrinkle ridge northeast of the incomplete crater Damoiseau H, east-northeast of Damoiseau itself).
Rukl 42/53 - Dorsa Darney (the wrinkle ridges northwest and east of Darney).
Rukl 8/9 - Dorsum Dechen A (the wrinkle ridge running across the bowl-shaped crater Dechen A, east of Dechen itself).
Rukl 9 - Dorsa Dechen D - Rumker L (the system of wrinkle ridges north of Mons Rumker, at craters Dechen D and Rumker L) (this system of wrinkle ridges is depicted near the lower left corner of the cover of the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon by C.A.Wood and M.J.S.Collins).
Rukl 8 - Dorsa Dechen - Harding (the system of wrinkle ridges between and near Dechen and Harding).
Rukl 52 - Dorsum Doppelmayer J (the wrinkle ridge north-northwest of the bowl-shaped crater Doppelmayer J, which is the southern one of the row of three craters at centre of Mare Humorum).
- E
Rukl 41 - Dorsa Encke C / Western wing (the system of wrinkle ridges south of the bowl-shaped crater Encke C) (this is the western wing of the Euclides F system of wrinkle ridges, looking like some sort of angel with huge wings).
Rukl 41 - Dorsum Euclides F (the wrinkle ridge running through the bowl-shaped crater Euclides F and splitting northward into several branches up to Encke C (northwest) and Lansberg G (northeast), the whole system looks very much like some sort of tree!).
Rukl 41 - Dorsum Euclides J (the wrinkle ridge west-northwest of Euclides J, this could be the western continuation of J.N.Krieger's Jekaterinburg damm in the western part of Mare Cognitum).
- F
Rukl 21 - Dorsum Feuillée (the small wrinkle ridge north-northeast of Feuillée).
Rukl 40 - Dorsum Flamsteed A (the wrinkle ridge northwest of the bowl-shaped crater Flamsteed A) (this could be the northwestern continuation of Dorsa Rubey in Letronne).
Rukl 40 - Dorsa Flamsteed P (the concentric system of wrinkle ridges inside the Flamsteed P ring) (the fork-shaped southern end of Dorsum Suess F north of the Flamsteed P ring seems to be part of the concentric system inside of it).
Rukl 3 - Dorsum Fontenelle (the arc-shaped wrinkle ridge running east-southeast of Fontenelle and touching the southeastern part of its rim).
Rukl 3 - Dorsum Fontenelle B (the straight wrinkle ridge southwest of Fontenelle B, running toward Fontenelle X).
Rukl 42 - Dorsum Fra Mauro B (the wrinkle ridge north of the bowl-shaped crater Fra Mauro B).
- G
Rukl 28 - Dorsum Galilaei (the wrinkle ridge which runs south and west of Galilaei).
Rukl 5/6 - Dorsa Galle-Gartner-Baily (the system of wrinkle ridges near craters Galle, Gartner, and Baily, at the eastern part of Mare Frigoris) (see LPOD June 3, 2012).
Rukl 52 - Dorsum Gassendi (the wrinkle ridge east-southeast of Gassendi, at the northern part of Mare Humorum).
- H
Rukl 11 - Dorsum Haas (the wrinkle ridge south-southeast of Pico E, aka Haas).
Rukl 8 - Dorsum Harding D (the wrinkle ridge which runs across Harding D east of Harding itself) (part of the Dechen - Harding complex of wrinkle ridges).
Rukl 1 - Dorsum Harpalus E (the wrinkle ridge running across Harpalus E in Sinus Roris).
Rukl 52 - Dorsa Herigonius H (the system of wrinkle ridges running north-south across the bowl-shaped crater Herigonius H, and west of the Helmet).
Rukl 28 - Dorsum Hermann B (the wrinkle ridge north of the bowl-shaped crater Hermann B, north-northeast of Hermann itself).
Rukl 28 - Dorsum Hermann H (the wrinkle ridge northeast of the bowl-shaped crater Hermann H).
Rukl 28 - Dorsum Hermann K (the wrinkle ridge east of the bowl-shaped crater Hermann K).
Rukl 28 - Dorsum Hermann L (the wrinkle ridge running like an arc eastward of the bowl-shaped crater Hermann L).
Rukl 18 - Dorsum Herodotus A (the wrinkle ridge south of Herodotus A).
Rukl 28 - Dorsum Hevelius D (the wrinkle ridge which runs north-south through the bowl-shaped crater Hevelius D).
Rukl 52 - Dorsa Humorum (or Dorsa Kelvin: the system of wrinkle ridges on the eastern part of Mare Humorum, near Promontorium Kelvin).
Rukl 33 - Dorsa Hyginus D (the system of wrinkle ridges northwest of the bowl-shaped crater Hyginus D and slightly east of the western "coast" of Mare Vaporum).
- I
Limb/ Farside - Dorsum Il'in (the prominent wrinkle ridge north and south of Il'in at the western part of Mare Orientale).
- J
Rukl 35 - Dorsum Jansen G (the wrinkle ridge south-southwest of Jansen G, running toward its source Lamont).
- K
Rukl 52 - Dorsa Kelvin (see Dorsa Humorum).
Rukl 53 - Dorsa Kies D (the curved system of wrinkle ridges running across the bowl-shaped crater Kies D, from Kies to the south of the wrinkle-like ghost crater Wolf T).
Rukl 53 - Dorsum Konig (the wrinkle ridge between Konig and the Golubiz Cluster).
Farside - Dorsum Kugler (the pronounced wrinkle ridge on the floor of Kugler).
- L
Rukl 3 - Dorsa La Condamine B (the system of wrinkle ridges north and northeast of La Condamine B, in the western part of Mare Frigoris).
Rukl 43 - Dorsum Lalande B (the wrinkle ridge north of the bowl-shaped crater Lalande B, west of Mosting C).
Rukl 35 - Dorsa Lamont (the system of wrinkle ridges in Mare Tranquillitatis, of which the core of it is officially known as Lamont).
Rukl 36 - Dorsum Lamont-Maskelyne (see LPOD March 11, 2014) (the part of it near Maskelyne and Maskelyne B was called Snake Ridge during the hey-days of Project Apollo).
Rukl 41 - Dorsum Lansberg G / Eastern wing (the wrinkle ridge southwest of Lansberg G) (this is the eastern wing of the Euclides F system of wrinkle ridges, looking like some sort of angel with huge wings).
Rukl 10 - Dorsum Laplace A (the pronounced wrinkle ridge immediately east of the bowl-shaped crater Laplace A at the eastern part of Sinus Iridum).
Rukl 11 - Dorsum Laplace F (the wrinkle ridge east of the bowl-shaped crater Laplace F, south of Montes Recti) (seems to be the northern continuation of Dorsum Le Verrier).
Rukl 43/54 - Dorsum Lassell (the wrinkle ridge north-northeast of Lassell and north of Alpetragius B, aka Garcia-Gomez).
Rukl 8 - Dorsa Lavoisier A (the system of wrinkle ridges east-northeast of Lavoisier A).
Rukl 8 - Dorsum Lavoisier C (the wrinkle ridge which starts at Lavoisier C, running southeastward to stop at the hills west of Lichtenberg).
Rukl 40 - Dorsum Letronne F (the wrinkle ridge running across the bowl-shaped crater Letronne F, west-northwest of Letronne itself).
Rukl 11 - Dorsum Le Verrier (the wrinkle ridge northeast of Le Verrier) (seems to be the southern continuation of Dorsum Laplace F).
Rukl 54 - Dorsum Lippershey N (the wrinkle ridge running across the craterlet Lippershey N, northeast of Lippershey itself, in the southeastern part of Mare Nubium).
Rukl 52/53 - Dorsa Lubiniezky E (the system of wrinkle ridges northwest and south of the almost incomplete crater Lubiniezky E).
Rukl 14 - Dorsum Luther (the wrinkle ridge north and southwest of Luther, in the northeastern part of Mare Serenitatis).
Limb - Dorsa Lyot (the curious system of wrinkle ridges and ghost crater on the floor of Lyot in Mare Australe).
- M
Rukl 9 - Dorsum Mairan G (the short wrinkle ridge north of the bowl-shaped crater Mairan G).
Rukl 34 - Dorsum Manilius D (the wrinkle ridge north-northwest of the bowl shaped crater Manilius D in the eastern part of Mare Vaporum, west of Manilius).
Rukl 29 - Dorsa Marius (the system of wrinkle ridges south of Marius).
Rukl 18 - Dorsum Marius P (the wrinkle ridge south of Marius P, north of the Marius domefield).
Rukl 1 - Dorsum Markov F (the wrinkle ridge running from the bowl-shaped crater Markov F northeast toward the incomplete crater Markov U).
Rukl 35 - Dorsum Maskelyne M (the wrinkle ridge near Maskelyne M, running southwestward toward its source Lamont).
Rukl 30 - Dorsum Milichius K (the wrinkle ridge southeast of the bowl-shaped crater Milichius K).
- N
Rukl 8 - Dorsum Naumann B (the wrinkle ridge north of Naumann B, west of Mons Rumker).
Rukl 54 - Dorsum Nicollet Psi (the pronounced wrinkle ridge northeast of Nicollet itself) (according to chart 82 in the Times Atlas of the Moon this wrinkle ridge contains the hill Nicollet Psi).
Rukl 8 - Dorsum Nielsen-Rumker (the wrinkle ridge which runs from crater Nielsen to the dome-complex Mons Rümker).
- O
Rukl 1 - Dorsa Oenopides R (the system of wrinkle ridges south of the incomplete crater Oenopides R).
Limb - Dorsum Oken (the wrinkle ridge on the floor of Oken in Mare Australe).
- P
Rukl 12 - Dorsum Piazzi Smyth (the wrinkle ridge running north-northwest of Piazzi Smyth, and touching the northwestern part of its rim).
Rukl 11 - Dorsum Pico K (the short wrinkle ridge between the bowl-shaped crater Pico K and Mons Pico).
Rukl 54 - Dorsa Pitatus J - Wolf C (the system of wrinkle ridges between Pitatus J and Wolf C, in Mare Nubium, north of Pitatus itself).
Rukl 3 - Dorsum Plato D / Dorsum Capraria (the wrinkle ridge running west of the bowl-shaped crater Plato D and across the hill Teneriffe Epsilon, aka Insula Capraria, thus named by Hevelius).
Rukl 4 - Dorsum Plato H (the wrinkle ridge north of Plato H) (the wrinkle ridge itself runs in Mare Frigoris).
Farside - Dorsa Poincaré (the system of wrinkle ridges on the southern part of the floor of the basin Poincaré).
Rukl 52 - Dorsum Puiseux D (the wrinkle ridge running across the bowl-shaped crater Puiseux D at the eastern part of Mare Humorum, near Dorsa Kelvin).
Rukl 20 - Dorsum Pytheas-Draper (the wrinkle ridge running from Pytheas to Draper).
Rukl 20 - Dorsum Pytheas G (Dorsum Lambert).
- Q
- R
Rukl 11 - Dorsa Recti (the system of wrinkle ridges immediately south of Montes Recti).
Rukl 29 - Dorsum Reiner (the wrinkle ridge north and south of Reiner).
Rukl 28 - Dorsa Reiner R (this is a circle shaped system of wrinkle ridges in Oceanus Procellarum, officially known as Reiner R).
Rukl 1/8 - Dorsa Repsold C (the system of wrinkle ridges east, southeast, and south of the incomplete crater Repsold C, of which the southeastern part of the rim of it, of Repsold C, is also a wrinkle ridge).
Rukl 35 - Dorsum Ross D (the wrinkle ridge south of Ross D, running all the way southward toward its source Lamont).
- S
Rukl 18 - Dorsum Schiaparelli (the wrinkle ridge north-northeast of Schiaparelli).
Rukl 32 - Dorsum Schroter M (the wrinkle ridge running across Schroter M, all the way toward the region of Gambart, at south-southwest) (this must be the continuation of Dorsa Aestuum).
Rukl 17 - Dorsum Seleucus (the wrinkle ridge north of Seleucus).
Rukl 11 - Dorsum Spitzbergen (the wrinkle ridge southwest of Montes Spitzbergen).
Rukl 29 - Dorsum Suess F (the wrinkle ridge slightly west of the bowl-shaped crater Suess F, of which the fork-shaped southern end (of that wrinkle ridge) seems to be part of the concentric system of wrinkle ridges inside the Flamsteed P ring).
- T
Rukl 11 - Dorsum Teneriffe (the wrinkle ridge south of Montes Teneriffe).
Farside - Dorsa Tereshkova (the system of wrinkle ridges at the western part of Mare Moscoviense, near Tereshkova).
Rukl 4 - Dorsa Timaeus (the system of wrinkle ridges south of Timaeus, at Mare Frigoris).
Farside - Dorsa Titov (the system of wrinkle ridges between Titov and the northeastern part of Mare Moscoviense's rim).
- U
- V
Rukl 62 - Dorsum Vitello R (the short wrinkle ridge in Lacus Vitello R, south of Vitello itself) (note: this short wrinkle ridge is part of a long lobate scarp east of Lacus Excellentiae).
- W
Rukl 70 - Dorsa Wargentin (the system of wrinkle ridges on the floor of Wargentin).
Rukl 54 - Dorsa Wolf S (the more-or-less circle shaped system of wrinkle ridges officially known as Wolf S).
Rukl 9 - Dorsum Wollaston D / Dorsum Wollaston Gamma (the wrinkle ridge north-northwest of the bowl-shaped crater Wollaston D, south of the irregular system of hills Wollaston Gamma).
Rukl 8 - Dorsum Wollaston V (the wrinkle ridge north of Wollaston V, a bowl-shaped craterlet north of Montes Agricola).
Farside - Dorsum Wood (the wrinkle ridge on the eastern part of the floor of Wood).
- X
- Y
- Z
Miscellaneous names (also from D.Caes)
Rukl 17 - Briggs Arc (the arc-shaped wrinkle ridge northwest, north, northeast, and east of Briggs and Briggs B').
Rukl 10 - East of Dorsum Heim north (the thin wrinkle ridge east of the northern part of Dorsum Heim, north of Caroline Herschel).
Rukl 42 - East of Euclides D ridge (the wrinkle ridge at the western part of Mare Cognitum, east of Euclides D) (about halfway between Euclides D and Bonpland E).
Rukl 21 - East of Pytheas arc (the curved wrinkle ridge southeast of Dorsum Lambert, east of Pytheas).
Rukl 54 - Lippershey's lozenge (the lozenge-shaped or square-shaped system of wrinkle ridges on which Lippershey is located).
Rukl 13 - Northwest of Posidonius W ridges (two wrinkle ridges south of the northern rim of Mare Serenitatis, west of C.A.Wood's Lost Peninsula).
Rukl 9 - South of Catena Worden (the system of wrinkle ridges south of the odd chain of teardrop-shaped craterlets west of Gruithuisen, which was photographed by CMP Alfred Worden during the mission of Apollo 15) (note: this system of wrinkle ridges runs all the way south-southwestward toward the east of Krieger).
Rukl 21 - Southwest of MacMillan ridge (the southeastern continuation of Dorsum Beer).
Rukl 41 - Thin wrinkle ridge (the north-south running thin ridge north of Herigonius, at LAT -11.4 / LON -34.08).
Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 names in Phil Stooke's LPOD U.S.-1 and Other Signposts:
- Apollo Ridge
- Faye Ridge
- Gemini Ridge (near Dorsa Cato).
- Last Ridge (not included in Phil Stooke's map).
- Snake Ridge (the east-southeastern part of Dorsum Lamont-Maskelyne).
- Thud Ridge (the eastern "end" of Rimae Hypatia, aka US Hig'hway Number One).
Unofficially named wrinkle ridges on the Lunar Topographic Orthophotomaps:
- Dorsa Lambert (Lambert R)(LTO 40-B4/40-D2).
- Dorsa Ramsay (LTO 39-B4).
LPOD Articles
- A very interesting topographic map of the moon's near side, with all the dorsa in it, is seen in the LPOD The Best Image Map of the Moon (JAXA-Kaguya map).
- A wealth of dorsa is noticeable in Maurice Collins's extraordinary and impressive LPOD Nasmyth & Carpenter's Moon.
- Dorsa at Sinus Iridum: Maurice Collins's composition of LRO images in the LPOD Inside the Rainbow.
Additional notes
- While exploring the photo-mosaic in the online ACT-REACT Quick Map of the LROs (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiters) extreme High-Resolution NAC photographs, it is surprising to see a high number of very small pronounced wrinkle ridges which are scattered all over the lunar mare regions and even on the floors of certain craters. It would be interesting to try to create an additional catalog of these miniature wrinkle ridges! - DannyCaes Oct 26, 2014
- Another remarkable fact is the abundance of (what I call) white spots, appearing one after the other on the uppermost parts of the wrinkle ridges, often composed of small fields of boulders and rocks (see the extreme High-Resolution close ups of the NAC frames, made during shadowless high solar illumination). These white spots should not be confused with Irregular Mare Patches (IMPs) which are DEPRESSIONS, not elevations! - DannyCaes Oct 26, 2014
- Where on the moon is the location of the most miniature (yet pronounced) wrinkle ridge? - DannyCaes Oct 26, 2014