LPI Apollo Image Atlas - Corrections
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Alphabetic list of typographical errors , erroneous locations, and absent captions in descriptions below Apollo and Lunar Orbiter photographs - detected and corrected by Danny Caes (in the meantime, a large part of the corrections are online in the Apollo Image Atlas, if more errors are detected by Danny Caes, they shall appear in this page).
Additional investigations (selenographic locations of officially named surface formations captured on farside orbital Apollo photography): Patricio Leon
- The most pronounced crater in frames AS15-M-2568, 2569, and 2570 is NOT Agrippa, it's MANILIUS (strange as it seems, the name Manilius is not mentioned in the captions of these three frames).
- Red labeled Lunar Orbiter 5 photograph LO-V 053 m shows the name "Avogdro". This should be Avogadro.
- Is there a certain crater called BELVAR instead of Becvar? See AS14-75-10308.
- The name CAMOENS (LTO) is not an official IAU name.
- The name Censorinus should be mentioned in the caption of AS10-28-4039. In fact, there's a lot of Apollo 10 photographs in which the name of the bright crater Censorinus should be mentioned!
- Farside crater Congreve is mentioned as Congeve (without r) in the red-labeled scan of Lunar Orbiter 1's frame 028-M.
- Although the name DOYLE (an unofficial LTO-related name) is not included in the LPI's alphabetical gazetteer, it is added in LOIV-018-h1.
- Eddington and Seleucus in Apollo 15's Fairchild camera frame AS15-M-2622 ?? No, it's BRIGGS and Seleucus.
- Euler F on three of Apollo 17's panoramic frames? No, it's Euler E (aka Firdausi, according to LTO map 39B3). Euler F's location is southeast of Euler, while Euler E's location is west-northwest of Euler.
- It's quite easy to name a certain region on the moon's farside "FARSIDE", see: AS13-60-8662.
- Although they are one and the same crater, the LPI knows Feuillee and... Feuilee (1 L instead of 2).
- Try to detect the area of Gauss in this Apollo 14 photograph (AS14-71-9859). Alas, there's just blackness...
- Red labeled Lunar Orbiter 5 photograph LO-V 021 h2 shows the name "Gainwindt" near the frame's lower right corner. This should be Ganswindt.
- Gylden must be quite a difficult name to write, because the LPI seems to know "Glyden" instead of Gylden.
- Quite an easy way to name a certain equatorial region on the moon's near side: "Highlands".
- Is it really Kohlschutter? No, it's Konstantinov (see lower part of red labeled Lunar Orbiter 5 frame LOV-103-m).
- Red labeled Lunar Orbiter 4 photograph LO-IV 097 h3 shows the name "Krishna". This should be Aratus CA.
- The LPI's so-called "stereo-companion" of AS16-P-5441 (frame 5346) shows a totally different part of the moon's surface. The first frame shows the region of crater Kuiper in Mare Cognitum, the "stereo-companion" frame shows the region near crater Ritchey. One should have the eyes of a chameleon to see something of a stereo-effect in these two frames. Much more troublesome: a stereo-effect is impossible up here, certainly impossible in two totally different photographs!
- Red labeled Lunar Orbiter 2 photograph LO-II 196 m shows the name "Lacus Solitudinus". This should be Lacus Solitudinis.
- Unnamed odd depression near Mons La Hire, in AS15-92-12454: "LA HIRE C, NORTHEAST OF" is wrong, it should be LA HIRE C, NORTHWEST OF !
- Several frames made by Apollo 16's panoramic ITEK-camera (made during A16's REVOLUTION 47), seem to have a confusing effect on the folks of the LPI. The frames of the Langrenus-Webb sector at Mare Fecunditatis are kind of mix'd-up, because Webb's stereoscopic frames are all in the REV 47 FORWARD FACING CAMERA magazine. The stereoscopic frames of Langrenus B (Naonobu) and Langrenus K (Atwood) are all in the REV 47 AFT FACING CAMERA magazine. The ID-numbers at most of the scanned frames in REV 47 are probably wrong, I guess.
- Red labeled Lunar Orbiter 4 photograph LO-IV 089 h3 shows the name "Lindsey". This should be Lindsay.
- Wrong coordinates at AS11-42-6298, because this photograph shows Liouville, which is not located at 3.5° North/ 107.5° East! (Liouville is a nearside crater).
- The double crater Maestlin G in AS12-54-8107 ? No, it was captured in frame 8109.
- At the LPI, nearside crater Manilius seems to be known as Manilus. Where's the second "i"?
- Mare Crisium in frames AS10-29-4244 and 4245? No, it's raycrater Petit at the northwestern border of Mare Spumans.
- None of the five Apollo 10 photographs mentioned in the LPI's list of Mare Moscoviense show this Far Side area, because these photographs show the Near Side's SOUTHEASTERN part!
- Was Mare Nubium (located on the near side of the moon's southern hemisphere) photographed by Apollo 17's metric/mapping Fairchild camera? Although it is impossible, according to the LPI, it (Mare Nubium) should be visible on Apollo 17's photographs of the Eratosthenes-region near Mare Imbrium, see: lower part of list in Mare Nubium.
- Mare Smythii in AS10-30-4493? I don't think so, it's Mare Spumans. Several frames preceding AS10-30-4493 show the caption "Mare Smythii", although they all show the regions west of it.
- The first two Apollo photographs in the LPI's list of Mare Spumans (AS10-27-3911, 3912) show Lacus Solitudinis, Mare Australe, and Humboldt, and CERTAINLY NOT Mare Spumans! Gentlemen, it is LACUS Solitudinis, not just "Solitudinis"!
- Marinus in AS14-75-10304 ? This photograph shows Mare Crisium and Mare Smythii, but... no Marinus (perhaps it must have been Mare Marginis).
- Maskelyne G in AS11-42-6326? No, it's Moltke and Rima Hypatia (aka U.S. Highway Number One).
- AS10-29-4307 needs the caption Maskelyne G, Maskelyne X (nearby crater).
- AS10-29-4256 needs the caption Messier, Messier A, Messier B.
- "Messier" should be Messier G (Lindbergh) in AS16-M-2434, 2435, and 2436.
- AS10-29-4324 and AS10-31-4537 need the caption Moltke.
- The neighborhood of Mons La Hire, okay, but, do they really know where they are? East? South? West? See caption of frame AS17-P-3097.
- East of Mons La Hire? Totally wrong, because frame AS17-P-3094 shows the region SOUTH of Mons La Hire.
- Do you know a certain lunar surface formation which is called Pan? See: PAN.
- Mind the "Papaleski" and Papaleksi craters on the moon's Far Side. The second one (Papaleksi) is the real one. The first one (Papaleski) is a typographical error (one of many).
- Red labeled Lunar Orbiter 5 photograph LO-V 015 h2 shows the name "Parengo" near the frame's upper left corner. This should be Parenago.
- "Perkyne" should be Purkyne.
- The coordinates mentioned below Apollo 10's photograph AS10-33-4895 are wrong. This photograph shows the bright raycrater Petit, which is NOT located south of the moon's equator!
- "Pierce" should be Peirce.
- Is it Priestley or Priestly? In fact, it's Priestley, at the LPI known as "Priestly", see red-labeled scan of LO4-009-h1. And YES, I'm a VERY difficult person.
- Is there a surface formation officially known as PROMINENCE EPSILON ???
- The first two frames in the LPI's list of orbital Apollo photographs of Ptolemaeus show totally wrong captions, because both Apollo 10 photographs were made at the moon's farside; the region east of Joliot and Lomonosov!
- Apollo 14's Command Module Pilot (CMP Stuart Roosa) seems to have photographed a crater called "RALISA", see lower caption at AS14-73-10105. Now, shouldn't that be Palisa?
- Several Lunar-Orbiter photographs show crater Réaumur, the LPI only knows of "REUMUR".
- The coordinates mentioned below Apollo 11's Hasselblad AS11-42-6299 are totally wrong. This photograph shows crater Respighi at 2.8° North/ 71.9° East, and not at 2° North/ 110.5° East! (Respighi is a nearside crater).
- "Rheinhold" should be Reinhold (without h after the R).
- Farside crater Richardson in a Lunar Orbiter IV photograph of the Naumann/Schiaparelli region at the nearside plains of Oceanus Procellarum? See the list in this page.
- Do you know a certain lunar formation which received the official name Rilles? See: RILLES.
- AS15-95-12870 doesn't show Rima Sharp, it's Rima Mairan.
- The name SAFAVRIK (see: Safavrik) should be Safarik (without v).
- The red labeled Lunar Orbiter 2 photograph LO-II 034 Med shows the name Safarik (as "Safavrik") at the location of crater Virtanen, which is too northward! (south-southeast of Lacus Luxuriae and Buys-Ballot). Safarik's location is east-southeast of Sharonov, and north of Tiselius.
- The same "Safavrik" error on the red-labeled LO-II 034 h1.
- AS15-88-11964 doesn't show the eastern limb crater Schorr, it's the pair of craters Taruntius N and Taruntius O in Mare Fecunditatis, of which Taruntius N is also known as Smithson.
- Frame AS10-29-4261 needs the caption Secchi K.
- Red labeled Lunar Orbiter 5 photograph LO-V 158 m shows the name "Seges". This should be Segers.
- Each one of the orbital photographs of Sharonov made by APOLLO 11 show a totally different region on the moon! They show the region near Mare Smythii and Hume!
- Apollo 11's orbital Hasselblad photograph AS11-42-6317 shows an oblique southward view of Sinas, and not Maskelyne B as mentioned below the photograph.
- Sinus Medii in AS10-32-4777 ?? No, it's crater Rhaeticus.
- SPACE is seen in AS16-118-18908. According to the LPI this is the only one of the many Apollo photographs which shows "space".
- Sulpicius Gallus, northeast of (AS17-151-23219), should be: Sulpicius Gallus, northwest of.
Stereo photography, typos, and mixed up ID-numbers:
- It must be difficult to write the word STEREO, mentioned as "STERO" in the captions below Apollo 12's photographs AS12-56B-8326, AS12-56B-8393, and AS12-56B-8433.
- The stereo companion of Apollo 17's panoramic ITEK-camera frame AS17-P-2932 seems to be... the same. See caption below the photograph. In fact, it should be AS17-P-2927.
- According to the LPI, the stereo companion of AS17-P-3016 (Cajal) is... AS17-P-3001 (the western end of Rupes Cauchy).
- The stereo companion of Apollo 16's AS16-P-5008 should be AS16-P-5013, and not AS16-P-5004 as mentioned below AS16-P-5008. It looks like earth's moon is a very chaotic and unknown celestial body! I guess there are much more organized photographic atlases for the moons of distant planets Uranus or Neptune. I don't think it's possible for mankind to return to our own nearby moon.
- AS10-29-4253, 4254, and 4255 need the caption Taruntius H.
- AS11-42-6301 shows Taruntius O, and not Secchi K. The coordinates in the caption are also wrong.
- Several years ago, the name Troy was incorporated on Lunar Orbiter V's red-labeled photograph LO-V 124 med which shows the farside basin Mare Moscoviense. Strange to say, one of the craters on planet Mars is indeed called Troy. There's no such name (Troy) on the lunar surface! The lunar crater which was erroneously called "Troy" is, in fact, Titov.
- Tsiolkovskiy? (AS13-60-8632). Certainly not, we are at Love, Prager, Danjon, and D'Arsonval here.
- AS10-27-3909 doesn't show nearside raycrater Tycho, it's farside raycrater NECHO.
- None of the seven Apollo 10 photographs in the LPI's list of Tycho show Tycho, because all of them were made at the eastern part of the moon's far side!
- Apollo 12's photographs AS12-54-7955, 7956, and 7957 don't show Valier (thus mentioned in the LPI's captions). They show Vesalius M (unofficially known as Eskola during the heydays of the Apollo project).
- AS11-42-6300 shows Webb U, and not Messier D. The coordinates in the caption are also wrong.
- Apollo 11's orbital Hasselblad photograph AS11-42-6297 shows an area west of Sharonov (Sharonov's location is at 12° North/ 173° East, very near the centre of the moon's Far Side). However, the coordinates mentioned below the photograph are: 6.8° South/ 91° East, which is very near the eastern limb of the moon's Near Side! (near Mare Smythii).
Anyway, where on the moon is the depicted area? The answer: the bright crater with the radial streaks on its inner slopes (near the frame's left margin) is HUME Z (the LTO's "Li Po"). The coordinates are correct. Hume Z is indeed located very near Mare Smythii.
- On the LPI's red labeled scan of Lunar Orbiter 2's image 034 Med, the name Zernike is positioned at crater Spencer Jones W (immediately northwest of Spencer Jones itself). Spencer Jones W's location is at LAC 67. Zernike's location is at LAC 49.
(several typographical errors in the descriptions of non-lunar Apollo photographs):
- Apollo 12's wonderful Hasselblad photograph of Earth's thin crescent (AS12-51-7581) has a rather curious and erroneous description below it. It says: Almost Total Eclipse of Earth. It's not the Earth, it's the SUN which could be totally eclipsed!
- Apollo 12's impressive Hasselblad photograph AS12-51-7587 shows the VERY thin crescent of planet Earth, with the sun's glare and inter-lens reflection in and near the frame's upper left corner. Why do the folks of the LPI describe it (this photograph) as a SOLAR ECLIPSE ???
- Apollo 13's B-and-W photograph AS13-59-8484 shows astronaut James Lovell in the LM, and NOT Jack Swigert in the CM!
The detection of an error in one of Apollo 16's original LEVA-traverse maps
The name STONE MOUNTAIN near the upper right corner of this map should be SMOKY MOUNTAIN.
Flag shadow from lunar module window
Thus the description below two photographs made through one of the two triangular windows of Apollo 11's LM Eagle.
I must say, I don't see the shadow of the flag.
Interior or Exterior?
No, it's: SPACECRAFT EXTERIOR (of Command Module Columbia).
http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/search/feature/?feature=tranquility+base&sort=There are much more errors in certain digital lunar atlases, these errors are:
- The small depression Ann (at Palus Putredinis, near Kathleen) shows incomplete coordinates. Is Ann a northern or a southern formation? (north or south of the lunar equator?).
- The small craterlet Cinco (near the landingsite of Apollo 16) is located ten degrees too southward, east of Geber.
- The small formation Diana has a totally wrong diameter: 50 kilometer.
- The small craterlet Felix (between Euler and Lambert) at the location of Fedorov near Mons Delisle.
- The small D-shaped formation Ina (on Lacus Felicitatis) at the location of the southern crater Ideler.
- The small curved depression Jomo (also near Rima Hadley and Taizo) a couple of degrees to the west of the 0° meridian (instead of: to the east).
- The small nearside crater Kathleen at the location of farside crater Katchalsky.
- The small craterlet Priscilla (at Catena Davy) has no coordinates at all! (0° 00' N / 0° 00' E).
- Crater Ramsden shows the same phenomenon as Priscilla: no coordinates (0° 00' N / 0° 00' E).
- The small craterlet Ravi (on the floor of Alphonsus) ten degrees more southward than its true location (south of Alphonsus).
- The small elongated depression Rima Sung-Mei (part of Aratus CA) has a totally wrong diameter: 40 kilometer.
- The small craterlet Stella (near Mons Argaeus) has a totally wrong diameter: 36 kilometer.
- The small curved depression Taizo (near Rima Hadley) at the location of crater Tacquet on the southern part of Mare Serenitatis.
- There are also several erroneous locations of the LTO's names, such as Austen, Fossa Casals, etc... etc...
Much more typographical errors could be detected in the Clementine Atlas of the Moon by Ben Bussey and Paul Spudis (Cambridge University Press). A huge list of already detected typographical errors is online in the page Clementine Atlas Corrections.
- DannyCaes May 13, 2010