Carl Wolfteich
[hide]Carl Wolfteich
(Lunar scientist from the Warner Collection)Lunar Work
Intern at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in 1980, working with Dr. Wendell Mendell in Planetary Geophysics at NASA-JSC on a project in Infrared Spectroscopy, related to some ongoing remote sensing studies of lunar and martian regolith material.
Contractor for Lockheed at NASA-JSC for a short time before entering graduate school at Rice University in Houston.
Served as a Teaching Assistant for Dr. Jeff Warner when he taught at Rice in 1981.
Where & When
Geophysicist in the Oil and Gas Industry in Houston from 1982 to 1990.
Oceanographer for NOAA from 1994-1995 (related work)
Marine Research Specialist at the University of Rhode Island from 1995-2008, working primarily on NASA funded research in satellite oceanography (description).
Senior Oceanographer and Marine Routing Specialist with Horizon Marine (website) in Marion, MA from 2009 to Septermber 2011.
Personal Information
October 1, 1958
B.A., Hamilton College, 1980
M.A., Rice University, 1982 (thesis topic)
M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994
Current Contact Information/Websites
Additional Information
Married with one child, currently living in Bellevue, WA.