(formerly Taruntius G)
Lat: 1.9°N, Long: 49.5°E, Diam: 10 km, Depth: 2.22 km, Rükl: 37 |
Anville (Taruntius G).
Note the couple of small craterlets just outside the eastern part of Anville's bowl, located at 3 and 4 o'clock, and also the bright craterlet at 12 o'clock. These are interesting marks to recognize Anville on orbital Apollo photographs.- DannyCaes Sep 5, 2013
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
(it's perhaps interesting to include the LPI's list of Taruntius H too, because this crater is the south-southeastern companion of Taruntius G, aka Anville).
- Apollo 10's orbital Hasselblad photograph AS10-33-4904 shows Anville and one of Apollo 10's out-of-focus nozzles (of LM Snoopy), reflecting the sun's light.
- Apollo 16's orbital panoramic ITEK photograph AS16-P-5226 shows Anville near the frame's right margin.
Research Apollo 10 and Apollo 16 photography: Danny Caes
Anville's companions (Taruntius H, K, P) in the "Constellation of Four"
The distinct quadruplet in the northern part of Mare Fecunditatis, made of Taruntius G (Anville), Taruntius H, Taruntius K, and Taruntius P is unofficially nicknamed the "Constellation of Four". All four of these craters (of which Anville is the "lucida" or the "alpha") were frequently photographed during several missions of the Apollo program, and it is a real pleasure to try to detect the most suitable orbital close-up photographs of each one of the four! (for Anville, see above).
Taruntius H:
Apollo 10: AS10-29-4253, 4254, 4255 (LPI-Apollo Image Atlas) 4254 HiRes, 4254 King Size HiRes (Kipp Teague's Project Apollo Archive).
The couple Taruntius K and Taruntius P (east of Anville and Taruntius H):
Apollo 16: AS16-P-5222, 5227 (near the right margins of both frames).
Was this couple photographed during the low altitude flight of LM Snoopy during Apollo 10?
Apollo 11's splendid orbital color Hasselblad AS11-37-5445 (LPI Apollo Image Atlas) shows CSM Columbia near Taruntius K (the northern one of the couple Taruntius K and P). Note the odd shaped depressions in the central section of the "Constellation of Four"!
AS11-37-5445 from Kipp Teague's Project Apollo Archive and Eric M. Jones's Apollo Lunar Surface Journal.
AS11-37-5445 High Resolution (K.Teague/ E.M.Jones).
Research Danny Caes
(LAC zone 61C3) LAC map Geologic map AIC map LTO map
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
- Westfall, 2000: 2.22 km
- Viscardy, 1985: 1.8 km
- From the shadows in LO-IV-160H the depth of Anville is about 2150 m. - Jim Mosher
Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon; French cartographer (1697-1782).
- This replacement name for a formerly lettered crater was introduced on LTO-61C3 (for which it served as the chart title -- misspelled "Amville" at the top). - Jim Mosher
- Anville (Taruntius G) is the "lucida" or the "alpha" of the "Constellation of Four" (Anville, Taruntius H, and the couple Taruntius K and Taruntius P).- DannyCaes Sep 7, 2013
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