Lat: 16.7°S, Long: 66.8°W, Diam: 45 km, Depth: 0.53 km, Rükl: 50, Lower Imbrian |
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Lunar Orbiter IV-168-h2
Partially seen in this frame is the rim of a large unnamed crater which is surrounding the much smaller dark crater Cruger in an eccentric way.
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
Concentric Crater number 42 in C.A.Wood's list (published in 1978) must be one of the tiny craterlets between Cruger and Cruger E east-southeast of it. On the Hi-Res scan of Lunar Orbiter 4's photograph LOIV-168-h2 there is indeed something noticeable which looks like a Concentric Crater (immediately east of Cruger). See: LOIV-168-h2, near the frame's lower right corner.
Research: Danny Caes
(LAC zone 92A1)LAC map Geologic map
Description: Elger
(IAU Directions) CRUGER.--A regular ring-plain W. of Fontana, 30 miles in diameter, with a dark floor, without detail, and comparatively low bright walls. There is a smaller but very conspicuous ring-plain (Cruger a) on the E. of it, to which runs a branch of the great Sirsalis cleft.
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
- Westfall, 2000: 0.53 km
- Viscardy, 1985: 0.49 km
- Cherrington, 1969: 1 km
- Four small pyroclastic deposits (area = 5, 50, 120 & 760 km^2). Gaddis, L. (1999) Lunar Pyroclastic Volcanism Project.
- Crüger G, an 8 km crater SW of Crüger, has excavated thru Orientale ejecta and brought up anorthosite. (Hawke et al (1988) Remote Sensing Studies of the Crüger Region of the Moon, LPSC 19.
- Concentric Crater immediately east of Cruger (which is number 42 in C.A.Wood's list of Concentric Craters, published in 1978).
Peter Crüger or Krüger (1580—1639) was a mathematician, astronomer and polymath. Krüger published treatises on many scientific subjects and contributed to the progress of trigonometry, geography and astronomy, also with the development of astronomical instruments.
LPOD Articles
Lunar 100
L52: Possible volcanic caldera.
Wood, C.A. 7/2006. False Volcanoes on the Moon. S&T 112:(1):66-67
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