Names of Hevelius's mountains

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Names of Hevelius's mountains (Mons/ Montes/ Montana)

This alphabetic list shows the lunar surface formations which received Hevelius's somewhat odd "mountain" nomenclature. Most of these formations are, in fact, craters, chains of craters, and also ejecta-rays around some of the distinct impact craters.
Perhaps we could use Hevelius's nomenclature for certain pronounced central peaks of (officially named) craters, such as Mount Sinai for the central peak of Tycho (Hevelius called the whole of this crater Mons Sinai).

Source: Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon: a History of Lunar Cartography and Nomenclature, APPENDIX E, pages 201-208.
J.Hewelcke's moonmap with his nomenclature is printed on page 53 in Whitaker's, see also Wikipedia's superb King-Size scan of this map.
Additional research: Danny Caes

Mons Abarim (crater chain Pitatus-Ball).
Mons Acabe (Byrgius and its high-albedo nimbus).
Mons Aemus (Haemus) (Alexander).
Montes Aerii (western end of Montes Carpatus).
Mons Aetna (Copernicus).
Mons Ajax (Cavendish).
Mons Alabastrinus (Lichtenberg and its high-albedo nimbus).
Montes Alani (northern rim mountains of Mare Crisium)(the name Montes Alani is still used by many dedicated lunar observers).
Mons Alaunus (Plutarch and Seneca).
Montes Alpes (Montes Alpes).
Montes Amadoci (Messala region).
Mons Amanus (Delambre).
Mons Ambenus (high-albedo ray Mason-Mare Frigoris).
Mons Annae (Longomontanus and Wilhelm).
Mons Antilibanus (Aliacensis and werner).
Mons Antitaurus (Almanon to Playfair chain).
Mons Apenninus (Montes Apenninus).
Mons Argentarius (Archimedes).
Montes Armeniae (Gemma Frisius and Goodacre).
Mons Athos (Euclides and its high-albedo nimbus).
Mons Atlas Major (Bouguer and La Condamine).
Mons Atlas Minor (Sharp and Sharp B).
Mons Audus (Reiner Gamma)(with Reiner itself?).
Mons Aureus (Egede A and its high-albedo nimbus).
Mons Baronisus (Mairan).
Mons Berosus (Romer).
Mons Bodinus (Cepheus and Franklin).
Mons Bontas (Democritus).
Mons Cadmus (Parrot C, which was also F.C.Lamech's Muller and H.P.Wilkins's Millas)(we could call Parrot C's pronounced central peak Mount Cadmus).
Mons Calchistan (Stofler, Maurolycus, etc...).
Mons Carmaniae (at or near the moon's southpole, probably the limb-related peaks of the unofficially named Leibnitz Mountains). The name Mons Carmaniae doesn't appear in the main list of Hevelius, but it is (according to Whitaker) supposed to be one of Hevelius's names.
It was printed on a Grimaldi/ Riccioli map from 1746 (Le Monnier's Institutions Astronomiques), see Figure 59, page 93.
Mons Carpates (Eudoxus).
Mons Casius (1) (Fourier and Vieta).
Mons Casius (2) (Agatharchides P).
Mons Cataractes (Gassendi).
Montes Caucasus (Montes Pyrenaeus).
Montes Caucasus Inferior (Santbech, Borda, etc...).
Montes Chalcidici (ejecta-ray east from Copernicus).
Mons Christi (Mons Piton).
Mons Cimaeus (Halley and Hind).
Mons Cimmerius (Macrobius).
Mons Cirna (unknown).
Mons Climax (Sirsalis and Sirsalis A, with high-albedo nimbus).
Montes Coibacarani (Fabricius, Metius, Brenner).
Mons (Montes?) Corax (Proclus and southwestern rim of Mare Crisium)(the name Montes Corax is still used by many dedicated lunar observers).
Mons Cragus (Arzachel).
Mons Cratas (ejecta-ray north from Copernicus).
Mons Crathis (Fra Mauro Kappa, Gamma, Zeta) (Fra Mauro Zeta was also Hevelius's Mons Parthenius).
Mons Cydices (Apianus).
Mons Delanguer (Vlacq, Hommel, Nearch, etc...). Who was Delanguer? (non existent, because on Hevelius's map it is mentioned as DALANGUER).
Mons Didymus (Albategnius).
Mons Eos (high- and low-albedo regions east of Piazzi).
Mons Eryx (ejecta-rays north-northeast from Copernicus).
Mons Fortis (Kaiser and Nonius).
Mons Germanicianus (Marius).
Mons Herculis (Maskelyne A and Censorinus A nimbus).
Mons Hereus (ejecta-ray north-northwest from Copernicus).
Mons Hermo (ejecta-ray north-northeast from Tycho).
Montes Hiblaei (ejecta-ray west-southwest from Copernicus).
Montes Hippoci (Kapteyn and Maclaurin F).
Mons Hor (Heinsius P, Q, etc...).
Mons Horeb (Heinsius, Heinsius A, B, and C).
Mons Horminius (Dionysius and D'Arrest, etc...).
Montes Hyperborei (Fontenelle A to Scoresby).
Mons Ida (Agrippa and Godin).
Mons Lathmus (Davy and Palisa).
Mons Libanus (Purbach, Regiomontanus, Walther).
Mons Ligustinus (Aristillus).
Mons Lion (Hainzel and Mee, etc...).
Mons Lipulus (Zollner).
Montes Macrocemnii (Atlas and Hercules).
Mons Mampsarus (high-albedo region at Suess) (note: the name Suess is erroneously spelled as "Seuss" on page 205 of Whitaker's book) (strange to say, Hevelius himself included the name Mampsarus as Campsarus on his map, with an 'M' just above the 'C').
Mons Masicytus (Alphonsus).
Mons Meridionalis (Bettinus and Kircher).
Mons Mesogys (Herschel).
Mons Micale (Lalande).
Mons Mimas (probably Mosting).
Mons Montuniates (Autolycus).
Mons Moschus (Theophilus, Cyrillus, Catharina).
Mons Myconius (ejecta-ray northeast from Copernicus).
Mons Mysius (Dembowski and Rhaeticus).

  • In the book Epic Moon (Sheehan/ Dobbins) this mountain (Mons Mysius) is mentioned as Mysius (a crater), located at the IAU's Triesnecker.
Mons Neptunus (Reinhold).
Mons Nerossus (Petavius, Hase, Furnerius).
Mons Nitriae (low-albedo spots at Lepaute D).
Mons Olympus (Hipparchus).
Mons Pangaeus (Pallas, Murchison, Ukert).
Mons Paropamisus (Snellius A and Furnerius A nimbi, etc...).
Mons Parthenius (Fra Mauro Zeta)(which seems to have been part of Hevelius's Mons Crathis)(the name Nic Parthenius by Melchior a Briga (1747), see pages 90-91, and 92 in Whitaker's book, is probably not at all related to Mons Parthenius of Hevelius, because the location of Nic Parthenius is immediately east of Mare Crisium, see the small omega sign in Melchior a Briga's map of the Full Moon).
Mons Pentadactylus (Seleucus).
Mons Peuce (northwestern border of Lacus Mortis).
Pharan, Montana (Clausius region)(this is one of Hevelius's two Montana, the other is Seir Montana).
Mons Pherme (Hevelius).
Mons Phoenix (Alpetragius)(we could call the pronounced central peak on Alpetragius's floor the Phoenix mount, it is often nicknamed "Egg-in-a-Nest").
Mons Porphyrites (Aristarchus).
Mons Prophetarum (Wurzelbauer D)(the mountain of the prophet?).
Montes Riphaei (Cleomedes, Burckhardt, Geminus, etc...).
Mons Sacer (western border of Mare Humorum, once called the Percy mountains by W.R.Birt and J.Lee).
Mons Sanctus (Apollonius and Firmicus).
Montes Sarmatici (Christian Mayer, printed as "Meyer" in Whitaker's book).
Seir, Montana (Maginus and Street, etc...)(this is one of Hevelius's two Montana, the other is Pharan Montana).
Mons Sepher (ejecta-ray northwest from Tycho).
Mons Serrorum (Aristoteles).
Mons Sinai (Tycho)(we could call the pronounced peak on Tycho's floor Mount Sinai).
Mons Sinopium (low-albedo region at Elger E).
Mons Sipylus (Ptolemaeus)(kind of weird, because Ptolemaeus is a flat walled plain, not a mountain!).
Montes Sogdiani (Piccolomini).
Mons Strobilus (Isidorus, with Capella?).
Mons Tabor (distinct high-albedo nimbus at Deslandres QA).
Mons Taigetus (Guericke).
Mons Tancon (Colombo).
Mons Taurus (high albedo ejecta-ray east from Tycho).
Mons Techisandam (Curtius and Moretus).
Mons Thambes (vague high-albedo region northeast of Hermann).
Mons Tmolus (Taylor, Taylor A, etc...).
Mons Trapezus (Newcomb).
Mons Troicus (northeast wall of Schickard).
Montes Uxii (Lindenau, Rabbi Levi, Zagut, etc...).