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(formerly Hecataeus D)

Lat: 18.4°S, Long: 84.3°E, Diam: 76 km, Depth: 3.96 km, Rükl: 60

external image normal_Gibbs_AS15-M-2373_LTVT.JPG


LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images


(LAC zone 99B1) USGS Digital Atlas PDF


Description: Wikipedia


Additional Information

  • Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
    • Westfall, 2000: 3.96 km
  • The bright ray-crater on the northeast rim of Gibbs is described (and depicted as an extreme close-up photograph!!!) in NASA SP-362, APOLLO OVER THE MOON; A VIEW FROM ORBIT, Chapter 5: Craters (Part 2), Figure 116. This appears to be an oblique impact on Clementine images but the high res view shows the rays are controlled by topography, not impact angle.


  • Named for Josiah Willard Gibbs (February 11, 1839 – April 28, 1903), a preeminent American mathematical-engineer, theoretical physicist, and chemist noted for his famed 1876 publication of On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances, a graphical analysis of multi-phase chemical systems, which laid the basis for a large part of modern-day science. Being one of the greatest American scientists of the nineteenth century, he devised much of the theoretical foundation for chemical thermodynamics as well as physical chemistry. As a mathematician, he was an inventor of vector analysis. He spent his entire career at Yale, which awarded him the first American Ph.D. in engineering in 1863.
  • Name given to a formerly lettered crater by Arthur and Whitaker in Rectified Lunar Atlas (1963) and approved by IAU in 1964 (Whitaker, 1999, p. 234).
  • Gibby (D.Caes's nickname for the officially unnamed high-albedo ray craterlet on the rim of Gibbs) (inspired by Mark Robinson's Chappy on the rim of Chaplygin).

LPOD Articles

Nomenclature Zoo

LROC Articles

Branched Impact Melts (the high-albedo ray craterlet on the rim of Gibbs).


Harold Hill. A Portfolio of Lunar Drawings, pages 226, 227 (observations of the averted hemisphere)(see also: Curie).