Lacus Aestatis
Lacus Aestatis
(original IAU name: Mare Aestatis)
Lat: 14.83°S, Long: 68.57°W, Diam: 86.39 km, Depth: km, [/R%C3%BCkl%2050 Rükl: 50] |
Table of Contents
[#Lacus Aestatis Lacus Aestatis]
[#Lacus Aestatis-Images Images]
[#Lacus Aestatis-Maps Maps]
[#Lacus Aestatis-Description Description]
[#Lacus Aestatis-Description: Wikipedia Description: Wikipedia]
[#Lacus Aestatis-Additional Information Additional Information]
[#Lacus Aestatis-Nomenclature Nomenclature]
[#Lacus Aestatis-LPOD Articles LPOD Articles]
[#Lacus Aestatis-Bibliography Bibliography]
LOIV-168-h2 The IAU's Lacus Aestatis is the vertically elongated feature near the right margin of this photo. The horizontally elongated one above center seems to have been part of the original feature as drawn by Franz ([/Baum%20and%20Whitaker%2C%202007 Baum and Whitaker, 2007]), but it seems now to be regarded (at least as far as nomenclature) as a separate feature on the floor of [/Rocca Rocca] A (which more than fills the upper left quadrant of the frame). The crater [/Cr%C3%BCger Crüger], just out of the view to the SE, has an even more extensive dark floor. (note: the very dark feature in the extreme upper left corner is not a mare surface. It is the shadow cast by the east rim of [/Rocca Rocca])
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images
([/LAC%20zone LAC zone] 74D4) LAC map Geologic map
- IAU page: Lacus Aestatis
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Small pyroclastic deposit (area = 370 km^2). Gaddis, L. (1999) Lunar Pyroclastic Volcanism Project.
- The IAU name is Latin for "Lake of Summer", a modernized form of Mare Aestatis ("Summer Sea") one of a set of "four seasons" names given by [/Franz Franz] in his Die Randlandschaften des Mondes (1913) to previously unnamed dark patches in this area. The others were [/Mare%20Veris Mare Veris] (Spring), [/Mare%20Autumni Mare Autumni] (Fall), and [/Mare%20Hiemis Mare Hiemis] (Winter). The relevant section of Franz' map is reproduced as Figure 7 in [/Baum%20and%20Whitaker%2C%202007 Baum and Whitaker, 2007] (p. 132).
- In 1970 the IAU changed the name from "Mare" to "Lacus" ([/IAU%20Transactions%20XIVB IAU Transactions XIVB], [/Menzel%2C%201971 Menzel, 1971]).
LPOD Articles
- [/Baum%20and%20Whitaker%2C%202007 Baum and Whitaker, 2007]
- Coombs, CR & BR Hawke (1992) Pyroclastic deposits on the western limb of the Moon. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. 22, 303-312.
[/Alphabetical%20Index Named Features] -- Prev: [/Aepinus Aepinus] -- Next: [/Sinus%20Aestuum Sinus Aestuum]
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