Lat: 27.1°N, Long: 60.2°E, Diam: 32 km, Depth: 4.36 km, [/R%C3%BCkl%2026 Rükl: 26], [/Stratigraphy Eratosthenian] |
Table of Contents
[#Delmotte Delmotte]
[#Delmotte-Images Images]
[#Delmotte-Maps Maps]
[#Delmotte-Description Description]
[#Delmotte-Description: Wikipedia Description: Wikipedia]
[#Delmotte-Additional Information Additional Information]
[#Delmotte-Nomenclature Nomenclature]
[#Delmotte-LPOD Articles LPOD Articles]
[#Delmotte-Bibliography Bibliography]
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
Are there really no orbital Apollo photographs of Delmotte? - DannyCaes DannyCaes May 9, 2015
([/LAC%20zone LAC zone] 44B4) LAC map Geologic map
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Depth data from [/Kurt%20Fisher%20crater%20depths Kurt Fisher database]
- Westfall, 2000: 4.36 km
- Viscardy, 1985: 3 km
- Central peak height
- [/Sekiguchi%2C%201972 Sekiguchi, 1972]: <0.8 km - fatastronomer fatastronomer
- From the shadows in LO-IV-097H, Delmotte is 2300-3750 m deep. - JimMosher JimMosher
- Gabriel Delmotte (1876-1950); French astronomer who published Nouvelle Theorie des Cirques Lunaires in 1923.
- Named by [/Lam%C3%A8ch Lamèch] ([/Whitaker Whitaker], p 228).
LPOD Articles
About G.Delmotte's Aires Elliptiques (traces of possible ancient "ghost"-craters on the moon), see page 181 in the Dutch moonbook Op Ontdekking in het Maanland by A.J.M.Wanders (Het Spectrum, 1949). - DannyCaes DannyCaes May 9, 2015
This page has been edited 1 times. The last modification was made by - tychocrater tychocrater on Jun 13, 2009 3:24 pm - afx3u2