Mysterious Universe, a handbook of astronomical anomalies

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Mysterious Universe; a handbook of astronomical anomalies

The Sourcebook Project, 1979
William R. Corliss
701 pages

Of all the interesting chapters in this book, the 6th chapter (THE MOON) is (for us, of course) the most interesting one.
This chapter has several subdivisions:
- Introduction
- Optical (?) Phenomena in Lunar Observation
  • Image Doubling
  • Dark Triangular Patches (this optical phenomenon; the dark triangular patch below the Full Moon, observed at sea, is also mentioned in M.G.J.Minnaert's Light and Color in the Outdoors).
  • Lunar Zodiacal Light and Auroras (?)
  • Projection of Stars on the Lunar Disc (this optical phenomenon might be related to the effect of Irradiation, described by M.G.J.Minnaert in his Light and Color in the Outdoors) (the appearance of the moon's "large" bright crescent versus the "small" earthlighted nocturnal part).
  • Young Moon seen as a Circle (is this the same phenomenon observed at Venus before and after a transit across the sun's disc?).
  • Lunar Sunset Afterglows (the phenomenon of possible illuminated dust, hovering above the horizon, visible on photographs made by the Surveyor landers).

- Eclipse Phenomena

  • Dark and Bright Eclipses
  • Distortions of the Earth's Shadow
  • Light Rays During Solar and Lunar Eclipses
  • Mysteries of Bailey's Beads (note: is it Bailey or Baily?) Baily's Beads
  • Color Phenomena

- Puzzling Lunar Surface Features

  • Crater Phenomena
  • Distribution of Lunar Craters
  • The Lunar Channels
  • Lunar Ray Puzzles
  • Peculiar Lunar Terrain

- Transient Lunar Phenomena (TLPs)

  • Lights and Bright Spots
  • Cloud-like Phenomena
  • Lunar Luminescence
  • Lunar Meteors (?)
  • Analyses of TLPs

- Lunar Physical and Chemical Anomalies

  • Glazed Lunar Rocks
  • Lunar Chemistry and Catastrophism
  • The Mascons (MASCON: Mass Concentration)
  • Lunar Thermal Anomalies
  • Concentrations of Radioactivity on the Moon
  • Local Magnetic Fields on the Moon
  • Lunar Seismic Phenomena

- Lunar Orbital Anomalies

See book review at the lower part of:

Also from the Sourcebook Project:
The Moon and the Planets: a catalog of astronomical anomalies (383 pages)

Preliminary list of authors in Mysterious Universe, of which their names are officially (or unofficially) incorporated in the nomenclature of lunar surface formations

Alter, Antoniadi, Ashbrook, Barnard, Baum (officially known as Sven Hedin E) (or Sven Hedin F), Birt, Brenner, Campbell, Challis, Chant, Denning, Douglass, Draper, Espin, Flammarion, Gaudibert, Haas (officially known as Pico E), Hind, Holden, Keeler, Kozyrev, Lowell, Maunder, Parkhurst, Peek, Perrine, Schaeberle, Steavenson (officially known as Reichenbach A), Swift, Trouvelot, Trumpler, Urey, Van Biesbroeck, Very, Webb, W. H. Pickering (officially known as Messier A), Wilkins, Williams.

General index of authors mentioned in Mysterious Universe, plus page numbers

This alphabetic list is an EXPERIMENT. The book Mysterious Universe has no index of the many mentioned authors. The Moon-Wiki Project is perhaps the best place to create that index.
Additional moon-related notes and lunar articles of the chapter The Moon are mentioned BOLD (because the moon is the main topic of this page!). All articles of the chapter The Environs of Earth are also included (also BOLD), because these articles are (more-or-less) moon-related. Articles by authors mentioned in the list above (lunar IAU nomenclature) are about to be included too (mostly unexpected topics!).
It would be very interesting to add EVERY non-moon related article next to the names of the authors who wrote them. I don't know if it is a good idea to do that. I might become a true nutty person if I really do it all the way to the last author down below, at the Z (Zook, Herbert A.) - DannyCaes DannyCaes Nov 28, 2014


Ablordeppey, Victor K. (+ Gipson, Mack Jr.) 401
Allais, Maurice F.C. 683 Maurice Felix Charles Allais Allais effect
Allen, L.H. 175 (The Lunar Sunset Phenomenon, NASA SP-184, 1969)
Allen, Mildred (+ Saxl, Erwin J.) 655 (1970 Solar Eclipse as "seen" by a Torsion Pendulum, Physical Review, 1971) Mildred Allen
Alter, Dinsmore 32 (A Critical test of the Planetary Hypothesis of Sun Spots, Monthly Weather Review, 1929)
Anders, Edward 312
Anderson, Don L. (+ Okal, Emile) 39
Anonymous (articles of which the author (or: authors) is (or: are) unknown, in Mysterious Universe there are many such articles, the moon-related articles are mentioned below (+page numbers) :
146: The Second Moon to Earth, Popular Astronomy, 1898 (in Chapter 5: The Environs of Earth)
147: New Natural Satellites of the Earth, Sky and Telescope, 1961 (the Kordylewski clouds, once proposed by Kazimierz Kordylewski) (in Chapter 5: The Environs of Earth)
165: A Curious Appearance of the Moon, Scientific American, 1882 (see also page 183 in V.A.Firsoff's The Old Moon and the New, 1968)
177: Lunar Terminator Phenomenon, Sky and Telescope, 1973 (Rennilson + Criswell)
180: A Remarkable Eclipse of the Moon, Sky and Telescope, 1964
200: Changes on the Moon's Surface, Nature, 1902 (W.H.Pickering's "variable spots")
201: Change in a Lunar Crater (Eimmart), American Journal of Science, 1914
209: The Mystery of the Hemispheres, Science News, 1974
218: Puzzling Lunar Terrain snapped by Apollo 16, New Scientist, 1972
221: Lunar Volcanoes, American Journal of Science, 1822
227: Another Flashing Lunar Mountain?, Strolling Astronomer, 1956
228: Japanese saw Pink Patch on the Moon (at Aristarchus), New Scientist, 1964
229: Another Lunar Color Phenomenon, Sky and Telescope, 1964 (this is the well-known Greenacre/Barr case; the red-colored patches at Aristarchus and Vallis Schroteri's Cobra Head)
243: Gold and the Glassy Craters, Nature, 1970
250: Concentrations of Magnetism found on the Moon, Aviation Week, 1972 (Prof. S.K.Runcorn)
263: Evidence for Weakening Gravity, Science News, 1974 (Thomas Van Flandern)
265: Moon, June: Gone Balloon?, Science News, 1977 (Victor G. Szebehely + McKenzie)
292: The Changing Micrometeoroid Influx (Nature, 1974) (in Chapter 7: Meteors and Meteorites)
498: Is Pluto no bigger than the Moon? New Scientist, 1976 (in Chapter 12: The Planets Beyond Saturn)
507: Has the Moon a Satellite?, New York Times, 1896 (in Chapter 13: Enigmatic Objects)
Antoniadi, E.M. 110, 128, 384, 446 (Illusions of possible markings on Venus, vague tracery and radial spokes), Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1897), (Notes on the Rotation Period of Venus, Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices, 1898), (On some Objections to the Reality of Prof. Lowell's Canal System of Mars, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1910), (Diplopia and Egg-Shaped Jovian Satellites, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1898)
Arp, Halton 618, 619, 626 Halton Christian "Chip" Arp
Ashbrook, Joseph 147, 445, 506, 526 (The Many Moons of Dr.Waltemath, Sky and Telescope, 1964) (Georg Waltemath, Other Moons of Earth).
Aumann, H.H. 443
Avigliano, D.P. 415, 420


B., G.J. 357
Backus, G.E. 554
Bagby, John P. 149, 150, 152 (Evidence of an Ephemeral Earth Satellite, Nature, 1966) (Radio Anomalies associated with an Ephemeral Satellite still in orbit, Nature, 1967) (Terrestrial Satellites, some direct and indirect evidence, Icarus, 1969)
Bailey, J. Martyn 84 (The Moon may be a former Planet, Nature, 1969) ("Planet Luna")
Bailey, V.A. 601
Barnard, E.E. 346, 452, 455 (The midnight illumination above the northern horizon near the time of the summer solstice, Astrophysical Journal, 1906), (Observations of the planet Jupiter and his satellites during 1890, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1891), (On the phenomenon of the transit of the first satellite of Jupiter, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1892)
Barnothy, J. + M.F. 596
Barr, John W. 542
Bartlett, James, C. Jr. 114
Bartrum, C.O. 483
Basu, D. 439
Baum, Richard M. 122, 126, 466 (On the observed appearance of a remarkable light spot on the night side of Venus, Strolling Astronomer, 1956), (The Maedler Phenomenon, Strolling Astronomer, 1978), (On the observations of the reported dusky ring outside the bright rings of the planet Saturn, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1954)
Bigg, E.K. 37
Binney, James 588
Birge, Raymond T. 692, 696
Birgham, Francis 322
Birt, W.R. 196 (On the Obscuration of the Lunar Crater "Linné", American Journal of Science, 1867)
Bispham, K. 220 (Schroter and Lunar Transient Phenomena, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1968)
Bjorkholm, Paul (+ Gorenstein, Paul) 249 (Detection of Radon Emanation from the crater Aristarchus, Science, 1973) Radon
Blackwell, D.E. (+ Ingham, M.F.) 365
Blanford, R.D. 629
Bone, D.W. 163 (is this the same as Bone, W. ? 506) (Lunar Ray, Marine Observer, 1934)
Botley, Cicely M. 232, 353, 566 (TLPs and Solar Activity, and other phenomena, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1976)
Bousfield, R.B. 362
Bouw, Gerhardus, D. 639
Brecher, Kenneth 649
Brenner, Leo 76 (Visibility of the dark side of Mercury, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1896)
Brett, John 188 (On Certain Phenomena seen during Eclipses of the Sun, Royal Astronomical Society - Monthly Notices, 1874)
Bridges, Guy J. 351
Briggs, Michael H. 330
Brinton, Henry (+ Moore, Patrick) 104
Brooks, Edward M. 182 (Why was last December's Lunar Eclipse so dark? Sky and Telescope, 1964)
Brooks, William Robert 278 (Note: W.R.Brooks observed the transit of a dark object across the moon's disc during the night of July 21-22 1896. See page 507: Has the Moon a Satellite?, New York Times, 1896 (Anonymous), and page 510: Some Astronomical Curiosities, Scientific American Supplement, 1909 (Gore, J.E.).
Brown, G. 194 (Total Eclipse of the Moon, Marine Observer, 1954)
Brown, Harrison (+ Millard, Hugh T.) 292
Brown, R. Hanbury 582 Robert Hanbury Brown
Bruce, C.E.R. 603, 604
Brush, Charles F. 680
Burbidge, G. 612
Butler, Charles P. 383, 472


C.M. (+ Malet, H.P.) 187 (The Lunar Eclipse of August 3, Nature, 1887)
Cadogan, P.H. 209 (Oldest and Largest Lunar Basin?, Nature, 1974)
Cameron, Winifred S. 241 (Comparative Analyses of Observations of Lunar Transient Phenomena, Icarus, 1972)
Campbell, Philip M. 550 Probably Philip Henry Montgomery Campbell
Campbell, W.W. 64
Carle, Jackson T. 203 (Three Riddles of Plato, Sky and Telescope, 1955)
Carr, Michael H. (+ Schaber, Gerald G.) 403
Caswell, A.E. 543
Challis, J. 495
Chant, C.A. 672
Chastel, Arnaud A. (+ Heyvaerts, Jean F.) 30
Chivers, G.F. 160 (Dark Triangular Patch under Moon, Marine Observer, 1961)
Christie, W.H.M. 166 (Note on a Phenomenon seen in the Occultation of a Star at the Moon's Bright Limb, Royal Astronomical Society - Monthly Notices, 1879)
Clark, Frank 524
Clarke, C.C. (+ Tweedie, W.) 219 (Of Three Volcanoes on the Moon, A Popular Display of the Wonders of Nature, 1837)(Wm. Herschel)
Cobb, James C. 313
Codde, Marius (+ Payan A.) 3 (Indentation observed in the Solar Disc, L'Astronomie, 1887) (note: the accompanying sketch in the article doesn't show the disc of the sun, it's the Full Moon!)
Coles, John 282
Courten, Henry C. 70
Cross, Frank C. 302 (Hypothetical Meteorites of Sedimentary Origin, Popular Astronomy, 1947) (investigations by Assar Robert Hadding).
Cruikshank, Dale P. 73, 77, 88, 91, 101, 108, 119, 463 Dale P. Cruikshank
Cruikshank, D.P. (+ Murphy, Robert E.) 463
Cutts, James A. 402


D.,P. 522
Dafter, Rosina 353
D'Alli, Richard E. 418
Danielson, L. (+ Ip, W.-H.) 556
Darius, Jon 637
Daunt, R. 8
Davidson, M. 606
Davies, P.C.W. 632, 697
Davies, T.H. 190 (Fingers of Light during Lunar Eclipse, Marine Observer, 1964)
de Bray, M.E.J. Gheury 691 (Maurice Edmond J. Gheury de Bray)
de N.,E. 169 (Optical Illusion during the Occultation of Mars, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1938)
Denning, William F. 50, 267, 285, 287, 486
Dermott, S.F. 550
Dodson, Helen W. (+ Hedeman, E. Ruth) 15
Doig, Peter 576
Douglass, A.E. 111
Downing, A.M.W. 432
Draper, Henry 442
Duennebier, F.K. 255 (Meteoroid Storms Detected on the Moon, Science, 1976)
Dulk, George A. 440
Duperier, A. 13
Dyal, Palmer 250 (Apollo 12 Magnetometer: Measurement of a Steady Magnetic Field on the Surface of the Moon, Science, 1970)


Eddy, John A. 13, 18
Edmunds, M. 320
Edmunds, M.G. 318 (probably the same as Edmunds M.)
Epstein, E. Eugene 78
E., R. 355
Espin, T.E. 509


Fallon, Frederick W. (+ Murphy, Robert E.) 463
Feibelman, W.A. 469
Fernald, D.L. (+ Salisbury, W.W.) 170 (Post-Occultation Reception of Apollo 17's CSM America Radio Transmission, Nature, 1973)
Fielder, Gilbert: 209 (Distribution of Craters on the Lunar Surface, Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly Notices, 1965)
Fillinger, Harriet H. 574
Finzi, Arrigo 684
Flamm, E.J. 238 (Lunar Luminescence, Nature, 1965)
Flammarion, Camille 58
Forster, Mr. 178 (Remarkable Appearances during the Total Eclipse of the Moon on March 19, 1848, Royal Astronomical Society - Monthly Notices, 1848)
Fulmer, Charles V. (+ Roberts, Wayne A.) 217 (Surface Lineaments displayed on Lunar Orbiter Pictures, Icarus, 1967)


Ganapathy, R. 245 (Moon: Possible Nature of the Body that produced the Imbrian Basin, Science, 1972). Is this Rajesh Ganapathy of the Ganapathy Group? (Soft Matter Lab)
Gaudibert, C. 216 (Curious Lunar Formation, English Mechanic, 1874)
Gault, D.E. 176 (Lunar Theory and Processes: Post-Sunset Horizon "Afterglow", Icarus, 1970)
Gheury, M.E.J. 167 (Evidence of an Atmosphere on the Moon, Observatory, 1913)
Giamboni, Louis A. 215 (Lunar Rays: their Formation and Age, Astrophysical Journal, 1959)
Gibbs, Lewis R. 93
Gibson, Everett K., Jr. (+ Moore, Gary W.) 245 (Volatile-Rich Lunar Soil: Evidence of Possible Cometary Impact, Science, 1973)
Giddings, N.J. 222 (Lightning-like Phenomena on the Moon, Science, 1946)
Gingerich, Owen 538 Owen Jay Gingerich
Gipson, Mack Jr. (+ Ablordeppey, Victor K.) 401
Glanville, W.E. 359, 360
Goddard, A.V. 236 (Unusual Lunar Phenomenon, Popular Astronomy, 1932)
Gold, Thomas (+ Soter, Steven) 130 Thomas Gold
Gore, J.E. 510
Gorenstein, Paul (+ Bjorkholm Paul) 249 (Detection of Radon Emanation from the crater Aristarchus, Science, 1973) Radon
Graf, E.R. 438
Gray, J.H. 125
Green, Nathaniel E. 436
Gribbin, John 42, 566, 645


H., H. 186 (The Lunar Eclipse of August 3, Nature, 1887)
H., D.W. 369
Haas, Walter H. 240, 447 (Does Anything ever happen on the Moon?, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 1942) Walter H. Haas
Hamilton, G.H. 418
Hammond, Allen 16, 248, 249, 251, 257, 314 (Lunar Research: No Agreement on Evolutionary Models, Science, 1972)
Hardy, Jas. D. 236 (The Moon - Mare Crisium, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1897)
Harrington, Robert S. (+ Van Flandern, Thomas C.) 86
Harris, Frank B. 165 (Peculiar Phenomenon on the Moon, Popular Astronomy, 1912)
Harrison, E.R. 597
Harrison, Henry 505
Hartmann, William K. 398 William Kenneth Hartmann
Hartung, Jack B. 233 (Was the formation of of a 20-Km-Diameter Impact Crater on the Moon observed on June 18, 1178?, Meteoritics, 1976) (this is the well-known case of the Giordano Bruno crater on the farside of the moon, of which the impact's ejecta blast could have been observed by Canterbury Monks) (this was also mentioned in Carl Sagan's COSMOS TV-series)
Harwit, Martin 529
Haywood, John 163 (An Auroral Glow on the Moon, Sidereal Messenger, 1884)
Hedeman, E. Ruth (+ Dodson, Helen W.) 15
Henrichs, H.F. (+ Staller, R.F.A.) 599
Hess, Seymour L. 422
Heyvaerts, Jean F. (+ Chastel, Arnaud A.) 30
Hicks, W.M. 659
Hind, J.R. 51, 56
Hoffleit, Dorrit 9, 86, 348, 578 Ellen Dorrit Hoffleit
Hoffman, H.O. 454
Holden, E.S. 162 (Lunar Zodiacal Light, American Journal of Science, 1878)
Hollis, H.P. 193 (Bailey's Beads, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1927)
Holmes, Edwin 459 (An Occultation Phenomenon (the Jovian satellites), Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1903) Edwin Holmes
Hope, E.R. 349
Hopkins, B.J. 166, 268, 269 (Abnormal Appearance of the Lunar Crescent, Observatory, 1883)
Hopman, Frits 279 (On Dark Meteors (passing before the face of the moon), Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1898)
Hovey, Edmund Otis 301
Hoyle, F. (+ Narlikar, J.V.) 622 Fred Hoyle
Hoyle, F. (+ Tayler, R.J.) 634
Hoyt, William G. 496
Hughes, David W. 144, 184, 254, 294, 297, 309, 394, 477 (Lunar Eclipses and Danjon's Law, Nature, 1975) (Lunar Duststorms, Nature, 1975) (Meteor Swarms Colliding with the Moon, Nature, 1976)
Hulbert, E.O. 361
Hulbert, H.S. 454, 455
Hunt, Graham R. 248 (Lunar Eclipse: Infrared Images and an Anomaly of Possible Internal Origin, Science, 1968)
Hunt, Harry E. 131
Hussey, William J. 378


Ingham, M.F. (+ Blackwell, D.E.) 365
Ip, W.-H. (+ Danielson, L.) 556


Jackson, J.G. 237 (Cloud on the Moon, English Mechanic, 1882)
Jefferys, William H. 549
Jeffreys, Harold 132
Jenkins, B.G. 75
Jenks, Aldro 479
Johnson, Craig L. 174 (Lunar Limb Brightening, Strolling Astronomer, 1957)
Johnson, Hugh M. 474
Johnson, S.J. 179 (Abnormal Obscurity of the Moon in the Late Eclipse, Royal Astronomical Society - Monthly Notices, 1884)
Jones, George 344


K., D.T. 271
Keeler, J.E. 92
Kingan, S.G. 658
Kirk, J. 600
Klepp, H.B. 262 (Terrestrial, Interplanetary and Universal Expansion, Nature, 1964) (in the chapter Orbital Anomalies)(of the moon)
Kopal, Zdenek (+ Rackham, Thomas W.) 237 (Excitation of Lunar Luminescence by Solar Activity, Icarus, 1963) Zdenek Kopal
Kozyrev, Nikolai A. 227 (Observation of a Volcanic Process on the Moon, Sky and Telescope, 1959) (the well-known case of crater Alphonsus)


Lamey, Ch. 427
Lamont, Roscoe 423
Langdon, R. 122
Latham, G. 252, 253 (Seismic Data from Man-Made Impacts on the Moon, Science, 1970) (Moonquakes, Science, 1971)
Lawrence, J.K. (+ Szamosi, G.) 699
Leighton, Robert B. 423
Levy, Ram L. 335
Lingenfelter, Richard E. 213 (Lunar Rivers, Science, 1968)
Loftus, A.J. 164 (Lunar Phenomenon, Nature, 1875)
Logue, Daniel A., Jr. 226 (A Bluish Bright Spot near or on the Moon, Strolling Astronomer, 1954)
Long, Daniel R. 685
Lowell, Percival 409
Lyttleton, R.A. 527


M., T.L. 28
MacDonald, T.L. 174 (The Lunar Limb Band, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1945)
Malet, H.P. (+ C., M.) 187
Malin, Michael C. (+ Sharp, Robert P.) 395
Malisoff, William M. 544
Maran, Stephen P. 577
Marcus, Allan 210 (Comments on 'Distribution of Craters on the Lunar Surface', Royal Astronomical Society - Monthly Notices, 1966)
Marwick, E.E. 68, 509, 513
Maunder, E. Walter 379
McCrea, W.H. 551
McKenzie, R. (+ Szebehely, V.) 563 (Stability of the Sun-Earth-Moon System, Astronomical Journal, 1977)
Meeus, Jean 155 (Bagby's Phantom Moonlets, Icarus, 1973) Jean Meeus
Merrill, Geo P. 310
Metz, William D. 81, 448, 591, 627, 651
Middlehurst, Barbara M. (+ Moore, Patrick A.) 241 (Lunar Transient Phenomena: Topographical Distribution, Science, 1967)
Millard, Hugh T. (+ Brown, Harrison) 292
Miller, Dayton C. 661, 665
Millis, R.L. 490
Mills, J.E. 695
Mitton, Simon 634
Molchanov, A.M. 556
Molesworth, P.B. 358 Percy Braybrooke Molesworth
Moore, Gary W. (+ Gibson, Everett K.) 245 (Volatile-Rich Lunar Soil: Evidence of Possible Cometary Impact, Science, 1973)
Moore, Patrick 117, 198, 230 (The Linné Controversy: a look into the past, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1977) (Color Events on the Moon, Sky and Telescope, 1967)
Moore, Patrick (+ Brinton, Henry) 104
Moore, Patrick A. (+ Middlehurst, Barbara M.) 241 (Lunar Transient Phenomena: Topographical Distribution, Science, 1967)
Morgan, John W. 244 (Glazed Lunar Rocks: Origin by Impact, Science, 1971)
Muirhead, Henry 357
Muller, P.M. (+ Sjogren, W.L.) 246 (Mascons: Lunar Mass Concentrations, Science, 1968)
Mumford, George S. 348 (Zodiacal Band, Sky and Telescope, 1967) (the Kordylewski clouds)
Murphy, Robert E. (+ Cruikshank, D.P.) 463
Murphy, Robert E. (+ Fallon, Frederick W.) 463


Narlikar, J.V. (+ Hoyle, F.) 622 Jayant Vishnu Narlikar
Ness, N.F. 82
Newton, R.R. 263 (Astronomical Evidence concerning Non-Gravitational Forces in the Earth-Moon System, Astrophysics and Space Science, 1972)
Nieto, M.W. 560
Nininger, H.H. 310 Harvey Harlow Nininger
Noble, William 186, 282, 434 (The Lunar Eclipse of October 4, Knowledge, 1884). Captain William Noble (1828-1904), British amateur astronomer.
Noland, M. 491


O'Connell, Robert W. 589
O'Keefe, John A. 214 (Lunar Rays, Astrophysical Journal, 1957) John Aloysius O'Keefe
Ogilvy, C. Stanley 222 (Lights on the Moon, Popular Astronomy, 1949)
Okal, Emile (+ Anderson, Don L.) 39
Ovenden, M.W. 557


Packer, David E. 570
Parkhurst, J.A. 168 (Peculiar Star Occultation, Sidereal Messenger, 1891)
Payan, A. (+ Codde, Marius) 3 (Indentation observed in the Solar Disc, L'Astronomie, 1887) (note: the accompanying sketch in the article doesn't show the disc of the sun, it's the Full Moon!)
Pechmann, James 400
Peek, B.M. 438
Penniston, J.B. 546
Perrine, C.D. 511
Pickering, W.H. 202 (The Lunar Vegetation, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1926)
Pinto, J.P. (+ Yung, Y.L.) 400
Pither, C.M. 89
Pollack, James B. (+ Sagan, Carl) 388 James B. Pollack




Rackham, Thomas W. (+ Kopal, Zdenek) 237 (Excitation of Lunar Luminescence by Solar Activity, Icarus, 1963)
Reed, G. 488
Richardson, D.E. 549
Roberts, J.O. 160 (Dark Triangular Patch under Moon, Marine Observer, 1960) (note: this optical phenomenon is also mentioned in M.G.J.Minnaert's Light and Color in the Outdoors).
Roberts, Wayne A. (+ Fulmer, Charles V.) 217 (Surface Lineaments Displayed on Lunar Orbiter Pictures, Icarus, 1967)
Robinson, L.J. 206 (Banded Craters, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1963)
Ross, A.D. + Ross, Mrs. A.D. 354
Rowan-Robinson, M. 624, 670
Roxburgh, Ian W. 28
Roy, Sharat K. 325
Rushton, Minick 106
Russell, F.A.R. 54


Saari, J.M. (+ Shorthill, R.W.) 247 (Non-Uniform Cooling of the Eclipsed Moon, Science, 1965) (see also: Hot Spots on the Moon, Sky and Telescope, 1966)
Sadeh, Dror 257, 596 (Possible Sidereal Period for the Seismic Lunar Activity, Nature, 1972)
Sagan, Carl (+ Pollack, James B.) 388 Carl Sagan
Sale, Robert Killip 100
Salisbury, W.W. (+ Fernald, D.L.) 170 (Post-Occultation Reception of Apollo 17's CSM America Radio Transmission, Nature, 1973)
Sartory, P.K. 159 (Doubling of Lunar Detail, Strolling Astronomer, 1965)
Saxl, Erwin J. (+ Allen, Mildred) 655 (1970 Solar Eclipse as "seen" by a Torsion Pendulum, Physical Review, 1971) Erwin Joseph Saxl
Schaber, Gerald G. (+ Carr, Michael H.) 403
Schaeberle, J.M. 7
Schafarik, A. 96
Schmeidler, F. 674
Seagrave, Frank E. 114
Shapiro, Irwin I. 130
Sharp, Robert P. (+ Malin, Michael C.) 395
Shorthill, R.W. (+ Saari, J.M.) 247 (Non-Uniform Cooling of the Eclipsed Moon, Science, 1965) (see also: Hot Spots on the Moon, Sky and Telescope, 1966)
Silverman, Sam 503
Sjogren, W.L. (+ Muller, P.M.) 246 (Mascons: Lunar Mass Concentrations, Science, 1968)
Smith, Carl R. 260 (Discrepancies between Radar Data and the Lunar Ephemeris, Science, 1968)
Soter, Steven (+ Gold, Thomas) 130 Steven Soter
Spiess, Eugene 284
Staller, R.F.A. (+ Henrichs, H.F.) 599
Steavenson, W.H. 283, 510 (Transit of a Dark Body across the Moon's Disc, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1920) William Herbert Steavenson
Stevenson, E.A. 171 (The Young Moon seen as a Circle, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1918)
Strangway, D.W. 250 (Magnetic Properties of Lunar Samples, Science, 1970)
Strickland, Zack 256 (Apollo 12 Seismic Experiment links Red Lunar Glow to Quakes, Aviation Week, 1970)
Swift, Lewis 55, 191, 195, 452, 508 (Bailey's Beads, Sidereal Messenger, 1890) (The Colored Lunar Band, Popular Astronomy, 1896)
Synge, J.L. 669
Szamosi, G. (+ Lawrence, J.K.) 699
Szebehely, V. (+ McKenzie, R.) 563 (Stability of the Sun-Earth-Moon System, Astronomical Journal, 1977) Victor G. Szebehely


Tayler, R.J. (+ Hoyle, F.) 634
Tennant, J.F. 189 (An Eclipse Phenomenon, Observatory, 1902)
Terry, F. 437
Thackeray, A.D. 169 (Optical Illusion during the Occultation of Mars, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1938) Andrew David Thackeray
Thomas, P. 429
Trafton, Laurence M. (+ Wildey, Robert L.) 443
Trouvelot, L. 10, 121, 161, 481 (The Moon's Zodiacal Light, American Journal of Science, 1878)
Truman, O.H. 461
Trumpler, Robert J. 672
Tweedie, W. (+ Clarke, C.C.) 219 (Of Three Volcanoes in the Moon, a popular display of the wonders of nature, 1837) (Wm. Herschel)


Urey, H.C. 210, 333 (Water on the Moon, Nature, 1967)


Van Biesbroeck, G. 411
Van Diggelen, J. 260 (Is the Earth Expanding?, Nature, 1976)
Van Flandern, Thomas C. 534 Thomas C. Van Flandern
Van Flandern, Thomas C. (+ Harrington, Robert S.) 86
Very, Frank W. 300
Vreeland, Frederick K. 225 (Lights on the Moon, Popular Astronomy, 1949)


Waldner, Henry 275
Warner, Brian 103
Waterfield, R.L. 168 (The Projection of a Star upon the Moon's Bright Limb, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1923)
Webb, T.W. 136
Wend, Richard E. 456
Wesley, W.H. 80
Whitney, Charles 529
Wickramasinghe, Chandra 336, 636 Nalin Chandra Wickramasinghe
Wildey, Robert L. 459
Wildey, Robert L. (+ Trafton, Laurence M.) 443
Wilkins, H. Percy 172 (Lunar Crescent and Bright Rim, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 1946)
Williams, A. Stanley 435
Williamson, Adrian 9
Wilson, H.C. 373
Wilson, Latimer J. 414




Young, C.A. 4
Yung, Y.L. (+ Pinto, J.P.) 400


Zook, Herbert A. 15

About this page

This page is compiled by Danny J. Caes (°28-2-1964, Ghent-Belgium). The purpose of this page is: to shed new light on an extremely interesting and fascinating book made in 1979 by William R. Corliss. Perhaps this book is THE most interesting guide for those who want to know and to learn more about the hidden corners of the officially recognized science of astronomy.