Boulder track: LO5034H3B
Lat: , Long: , Width: m, Length: km |
LO-V-034H3 A prominent track can be seen in the left half of the image, with the shadow-casting boulder at its lower end.
This page presents detailed information for a particular feature listed in the-Moon Wiki table of boulder tracks.
Additional Information
- For an overview of the location of this track see the index image (click a second time to see it at full scale).
- Some references suggest the presence of mutliple boulder tracks (up to four) near this location, but only one is strikingly clear.
- Hovland and Mitchell indicate a location much less far into the image ("14.6 cm") at this framelet location. It is unclear if that's a misprint or if they noted some other possible track.
Each boulder track has been assigned a unique name in the-Moon Wiki table. The coding for tracks discovered on Lunar Orbiter images is described on that page.