LPOD Jan 1, 2008

image by Chris Kotsiopoulos and Anthony Ayiomamitis, Athens, Greece
Happy 2008! Happy 4th birthday for LPOD! It was January 1, 2004, that an image by Anthony Ayiomamitis launched Lunar Photo of the Day, an audacious attempt to see if there were enough great images - and things to say about them - to support a daily homage to our lovely Moon. And thanks to hundreds of people who have submitted increasingly stunning images, the Moon continues to amaze and inspire after more than 1000 days. LPOD takes about 10% of my time every day. I could have written another book about the Moon with that time, but I like the mini-essay form of LPOD, and the sense of satisfaction (and relief) everyday when its posted. I do tire of receiving a continuing stream of images of Clavius and Copernicus and Plato, for I generally have nothing new to say about them. By contrast, I am delighted when a great image of a feature that has never been in LPOD appears in my email box. The nearly two year old list of suggested targets still includes many objects that are rarely imaged. Day 1 of 2008's 365 LPODs is done, I wonder what image will be day 2, and 3, and ....
Chuck Wood
Technical Details
Background star cluster image by Anthony, lunar images and compositing by Chris - I think!
Related Links:
Anthony's website