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Lat: 10.6°S, Long: 20.1°E, Diam: 33 km, Depth: 3.72 km, Rükl: 46

external image normal_Kant_AS16-M-0437.jpgexternal image Kant%20070623%200214.jpg
Left: Apollo 16 image AS16-M-0437 submitted by Stefan Lammel (Thanks, Stefan!), Right: Howard Eskildsen, (Thanks, Howard!)


LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images

  • Two "forgotten" orbital Hasselblads of Kant and environs, made during the mission of Apollo 12:
  • AS12-50-7427, AS12-50-7428 In both of these east-looking oblique photographs Kant is the pronounced crater just above the centres of the frames.
  • A small bowl-shaped raycrater on the floor of Kant was frequently photographed during the mission of Apollo 16. Because it (this small raycrater) has a high albedo value, there's reflected light on its inner shadowed slopes. This reflected light is visible on the Arizona State University's zoomify scan of Apollo 16's mapping/metric Fairchild camera frame AS16-M-0698 (shows Kant near the frame's right margin). Please zoom in on the small raycrater!
  • Research orbital Apollo 12 and Apollo 16 photography: Danny Caes


(LAC zone 78C1) LAC map Geologic map LM map LTO map


Description: Elger

(IAU Directions) KANT.--A conspicuous ring-plain, 23 miles in diameter, situated in a mountainous district W. of Theophilus, with lofty terraced walls and a bright central peak. Adjoining it on the E. is a mountain mass, projecting from the coast-line of the Mare, on which there is a peak rising to more than 14,000 feet above the surface.

Description: Wikipedia


Additional Information

  • Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
    Pike, 1976: 3.72 km
    Arthur, 1974: 3.12 km
    Westfall, 2000: 3.72 km
    Viscardy, 1985: 2.7 km
    Cherrington, 1969: 0.88 km
  • Satellite craters Kant P and Z are on the ALPO list of bright ray craters.
  • A thermal anomaly crater, implying a youthful age - Moore et al, 1980
  • Kant is one of the craters in which a transient event has been reliably reported, by the French astronomer Trouvelot in January 1873; on the 4th of that month he stated that the crater was 'filled with mist'. Source: Patrick Moore's New Guide to the Moon (1976), page 289.- DannyCaes May 19, 2012


Immanuel Kant (22 April 1724 – 12 February 1804) was a German philosopher. He is regarded as one of the most influential thinkers of modern Europe and the last major philosopher of the Enlightenment.

Kant Plateau

This informal name needs investigation. There are several books and sources on the web which mention the Kant Plateau, such as:
- Geological Survey Professional Paper-1981
- United States Geological Survey Professional Paper-1969
- Regional Chemical Setting of the Apollo 16 Landing Site and the Importance of the Kant Plateau
See also:
- TO A ROCKY MOON; A Geologist's History of Lunar Exploration (Don E. Wilhelms).
- The lower right corner of Chart 12 (page 37) in the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon (Charles A. Wood/ Maurice J.S. Collins).

LPOD Articles

Ring Around a Basin.


Kant P: APOLLO OVER THE MOON; A VIEW FROM ORBIT, Chapter 5: Craters (Part 2), Figure 118.