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Lat: 28.5°S, Long: 139.1°W, Diam: 65 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside), Imbrian

Table of Contents

[#Mariotte Mariotte]
[#Mariotte-Images Images]
[#Mariotte-Maps Maps]
[#Mariotte-Description Description]
[#Mariotte-Description: Wikipedia Description: Wikipedia]
[#Mariotte-Additional Information Additional Information]
[#Mariotte-Nomenclature Nomenclature]
[#Mariotte-LPOD Articles LPOD Articles]
[#Mariotte-Bibliography Bibliography]
external image normal_mariotte-clem1.jpgMariotte-LO.jpgClementine (left) and Lunar Orbiter (from MAP)


LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
Frame 25, made by Zond 8, shows Mariotte a little bit below of the point "halfway" between the frame's central cross and the white cut-out void at the frame's right margin. Mariotte is the pronounced crater with the "bend" in the "upper" (eastern) part of its rim.
Research: Danny Caes


(LAC zone 106C4) USGS Digital Atlas PDF


Description: Wikipedia


Additional Information

  • Mariotte's discovery of the way Parhelia ("sundogs"), Parselenia ("moondogs"), and the halo of R:22 degrees are created (in sunlit or moonlit hexagonal ice crystals), is described in Carl B. Boyer's book The Rainbow, from Myth to Mathematics.- DannyCaes DannyCaes Jun 8, 2014


  • Edme Mariotte (c. 1620 - May 12, 1684) was a French physicist. Mariotte is best known for his recognition in 1676 of Boyle's Law about the inverse relationship of volume and pressures in gases. In 1660 he had discovered the eye's blind spot. He published many original papers upon a great variety of physical subjects, such as the motion of fluids, the nature of colour, the notes of the trumpet, the barometer, the fall of bodies, the recoil of guns, the freezing of water etc.
  • Mariotte Y, a crater at 23°15' South/ 140°30' West, was once called Egnitis or Eginitis. The IAU's new name for Mariotte Y is Murakami.

LPOD Articles

Das Mystery


This page has been edited 1 times. The last modification was made by - tychocrater tychocrater on Jun 13, 2009 3:24 pm - afx3u2