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Mons (mountain)

(glossary entry; plural = Montes)


One of 18 different categories of lunar features recognized in the current system of [/IAU%20nomenclature IAU nomenclature]. The word means "mountain" in Latin. As on Earth, the plural is used to refer to a mountain range or group of mountains. In both cases, the term is used as prefix to the feature name.

Additional Information

  • In the original version of the IAU nomenclature, many lunar peaks were identified by the name of a nearby feature followed by a Greek letter. This system of named lunar peaks was discontinued in 1973, and most of the Greek-lettered names are no longer official. Follow the link, below, to the list for details.


  • [/Lunar%20Mons Current list] of IAU-named lunar mons and montes.

LPOD Articles


This page has been edited 1 times. The last modification was made by - tychocrater tychocrater on Jun 13, 2009 3:24 pm