Sabatier (near Lacus Risus Felis) -Maedler- Sabine (of the pair Sabine-Ritter) -Wilkins- Sacco (Scoresby A) -Hewelcke- Sacer, Mons (W border of Mare Humorum) (Birt's Percy mountains) -Riccioli- Sacrobosco -Božič- Saddled donkey (Lacus Felicitatis and environs) -Menzel, 1971- Saenger (Apollo-15's "Tangor"?) -Caes- Saenger, Catena (small chain W of Saenger, SE of Erro) -Menzel, 1971- Safarík -Hewelcke- Sagaricus, Sinus (NNE part of Mare Serenitatis) -Menzel, 1971- Saha -Wilkins- Saheki (Grimaldi B) -NASA- Saint Theresa (A-11 region) -Van Langren- Salamona, Promontorium (IAU: Hansteen area) -Gassendi- Salinae (location unknown) -NASA- Sallyport West (Apollo-15 site) -Hewelcke- Salmydessus, Sinus (Linne's high-albedo patch) -NASA- Salyut (Apollo-15 site) Samir (craterlet between Delisle and Diophantus) Sampson -NASA- Samstag (Apollo-15 site) -Hewelcke- Sanctus, Mons (IAU: Apollonius and Firmicus) -Menzel, 1971- Sanford -Riccioli- Sanitatis, Terra -NASA- San Luis Rey (Apollo-17 site) -Wilkins- Santacruz (Franz'z Abel?) (Birt's Abel) -Riccioli- Santbech Santos-Dumont -Van Langren- Sapientiae, Terra -LTO- Sappho (Stark V) -NASA- SAR (or S.A.R.) (between King and Tsiolkovsky) Sarabhai -Hewelcke- Sardinia, Insula (IAU: Lambert) -Hewelcke- Sarmatiae Asiaticae pars (south of Mare Crisium) -Hewelcke- Sarmatiae Europaeae pars (ENE limb area) -Hewelcke- Sarmatici, Montes (IAU: Christian Meyer) -Menzel, 1971- Sarton -rille seeker- Sarton Y, Rimae (on the floor of Sarton Y) -rille seeker- Sarton Z, Rimae (on the floor of Sarton Z) -Riccioli- Sasserides -Muller- Saunder -Maedler- Saussure -Van Langren- Savedrae (dark spot on the floor of Schickard) -Van Langren- Scala (IAU: Cruger) (low-albedo spot) -Menzel, 1971- Scaliger -NASA- Scarp (Apollo-15 site) -NASA- Scarp (Lee-Lincoln Scarp) (Apollo-17 site) -Copeland- Scattered hills (Hill's Euler group / Rand Mc Nally's Lothrop hills) -Menzel, 1971- Schaeberle -NASA- Schaber Hill (Apollo-15 site) Scheele -Caes- Scheele hills (cluster of hillocks west of Scheele) -Caes- Scheele's arc-shaped companion (ESE of Scheele) -Riccioli- Scheiner -Van Langren- Scheineri (IAU: Louville) -Birt- Schiaparelli -Riccioli- Schickard -Riccioli- Schiller -Caes- Schiller D, Catena (from 55.4°S/47.1°W to 56.4°S/53.5°W near Segner K) Schiller-Zucchius Basin (aka Schiller Annular Plain) -Menzel, 1971- Schjellerup -Menzel, 1971- Schlesinger -Menzel, 1971- Schliemann -Lamech- Schlumberger (Lansberg D) Schlumberger domes (discontinued name, see Hortensius) -RLA 1963- Schlüter (with Franz's Mare Hiemis on its floor) (Schroter's Malvasia) -rille seeker- Schluter, Rimae (on the floor of Schluter) -Birt- Schmidt -NASA- Schmitt (NW of Grachev) -Krieger- Schneckenberg (discontinued name) -Menzel, 1971- Schneller -Riccioli- Schomberger -Van Langren- Schonbergeri (IAU: Mons Piton) -Menzel, 1971- Schönfeld -Menzel, 1971- Schorr -Van Langren- Schotenii (IAU: Montes Recti Epsilon?) -Menzel, 1971- Schrödinger (Basin) -Caes- Schrodinger, Rimae (on the floor of Schrodinger) -Caes- Schrodinger-De Forest, Vallis (valley between Schrodinger and De Forest) Schrödinger-Zeeman Basin Schrödinger, Vallis -Gruithuisen- Schröter -Caes- Schroter D's radial spokes -Rand McNally- Schroter hills (see Schroter) Schröter, Rima -Caes- Schroter swirls (see Schroter) -Pickering- Schröter's Valley (Vallis Schroteri) -rille seeker- Vallis Schroteri's sinuous rille (on the floor of Vallis Schroteri) -Maedler- Schubert -Maedler- Schumacher -Fauth- Schupmann (Hell B) -Menzel, 1971- Schuster -Schmidt- Schwabe -Caes- Schwabe, Vallis (valley east of Schwabe) -Franz- Schwanzende (at or near Mare Anguis) (Eimmart T) -Menzel, 1971- Schwarzschild -Van Langren- Schyrlei (IAU: Abenezra) -Van Langren- Scialli (IAU: Kunowsky) -Van Langren- Scientiae, Lacus (eastern part of Lacus Somniorum) Scilla, Dorsum -Hewelcke- Scithiae pars (SW limb area) -RP 1097- Scobee (crewmember STS-51L) -Maedler- Scoresby Scott -Wilkins- Scott (+080/ -990) -NASA- Sculptured Hills (Apollo-17 site) -Peck?-/-North?- Seagull (SSW of Al-Bakri) -Menzel, 1971- Seares -Birt- Secchi -LTO- Secchi, Fossae Secchi, Montes Secchi, Rimae -Menzel, 1971- Sechenov Sector, The (section of Plato) -NASA- See (IAU: Alden) -Krieger- Seeliger -Menzel, 1971- Segers -Schroter- Segner -Van Langren- Segueri (IAU: Stevinus) -Menzel, 1971- Seidel -Hewelcke- Seir, Montana (IAU: Maginus, Street, etc.) -Riccioli- Seleucus -Wood?- Seleucus Ray (see Seleucus) -Krieger- Semlja Novaja (see Riphaeus, Montes) -Krieger- Semlja Sinus (see Riphaeus, Montes) -Riccioli- Seneca -Van Langren- Seneschali (IAU: Alfraganus Alpha) -Hewelcke- Sepher, Mons (ray NW from Tycho) -Schmidt- Serao, Mons (discontinued name) -Riccioli- Mare Serenitatis (Basin) Serpentine Ridge (unofficial name) -Hewelcke- Serrorum, Mons (IAU: Aristoteles) -Menzel, 1971- Seyfert -Van Langren- Sfondrati (IAU: Seleucus) -RP 1097- Shackleton (south pole crater) -Wilkins- Shackleton (Gioja A) -NASA- Shadow Rock (Apollo-16 site) Shahinaz (craterlet near Ibn Firnas and Ostwald) -NASA- Shakespeare (Apollo-17 site) -RLA 1963- Shaler (of the pair Wright-Shaler) -Collins- Shannen Ridge (see Plana) Shapley -Menzel, 1971- Sharonov -Schroter- Sharp Sharp, Rima -rille seeker- Sharp A, Rima (between Sharp and Sharp A) -NASA- Sharp-Apollo (Apollo-17 site) Shatalov -Menzel, 1971- Shayn -NASA- Shea (WNW of Vavilov) -Birt- Sheepshanks Sheepshanks, Rima -Wood / Collins- Sheepshanks-Gartner, Rima -NASA- Shepard (IAU: Racah) -NASA- Sherlock (Apollo-17 site) Sherrington -Menzel, 1971- Shi Shen Shirakatsi Shoemaker -Riordan- Shoeprint (aka Alser's Alien, in Robinson) -Schroter- Short -NASA- Shorty (Apollo-17 site) -Menzel, 1971- Shternberg (Sternberg) -Lee- Shuckburgh -RP 1097- Shuleykin -LTO- Sibelius, Rima (south of Aristarchus R) Sibericus, Rupes (discontinued name, see King) -Riccioli- Siccitatis, Terra -Hewelcke- Sicilia (insula) (nimbus of Copernicus) -NASA- Side (Apollo-15 site) -NASA- Sidewinder Rille (A-11 region) -Menzel, 1971- Siedentopf Siegfried, Rima (between Bowditch and Lacus Solitudinis) -Menzel, 1971- Sierpinski Sikorsky Sikorsky-Rittenhouse Basin -Schroter- Silberschlag -Elger- Silberschlag range (north of Silberschlag) -Van Langren- Silgero (IAU: Montes Harbinger Delta and Eta) -NASA- Silver Spur (Apollo-15 site) -Sternberg- Simonov (Sanford T) -Riccioli- Simpelius -Van Langren- Simpilii (IAU: Marius A) (Wilkins's Barange) -Sternberg- Simpson (Paschen L) -Hewelcke- Sinai, Mons (IAU: Tycho) -Schmidt- Sinas -Caes- Sinas Skylight (ESE of Sinas) -Hewelcke- Sinopium, Mons (dark area at Elger E) -Elger- Sinus Iridum highlands (NW of Sinus Iridum and Montes Jura) -Hewelcke- Sipylus, Mons (IAU: Ptolemaeus) -Hewelcke- Sirbonicum, Fretum (Oceanus Procellarum / Mare Humorum join) -Hewelcke- Sirbonis, Sinus (IAU: Mare Humorum) -Lamech- Siredey (Cassini E) -Riccioli- Sirsalis -Wood- Sirsalis, Mount / Sirsalis Beta (see Sirsalis) Sirsalis, Rimae
-Menzel, 1971- Sisakyan -Wilkins- Sisebuto (Azophi A) Sita (craterlet in King) Sklodowska -IAU 2015- Slater (south pole area) Slava (Luna-17 site) -Van Langren- Slavatae (IAU: Horrocks) -NASA- Slayton (IAU: Chauvenet) -Forest- Sleepy dragon / Draconum cubiculium (Montes Teneriffe) -NASA- Slide (Apollo-15 site) -Menzel, 1971- Slipher (in d'Alembert) Slocum Slot, The (Rheita E) -NASA- Small (Apollo-12 site) Smirnov, Dorsa -Schroter- Smith, Rob. (between Brown D and Tycho D) -RP 1097- Smith (crewmember STS-51L) -Wilkins- Smith (Vendelinus C) -NASA- Smith (Apollo-17 site) Smithson -NASA- Smokey Basin (A-11 region) -NASA- Smokey Valley (A-11 region) -NASA- Smoky Mountains (Apollo-16 site) -Menzel, 1971- Smoluchowski -NASA- Smooth round crater (a name?) (Apollo-15 site) -Lee- Mare Smythii (Basin) -Birt- Smyth, Piazzi (see Piazzi Smyth) -NASA- Snake Ridge (A-11 region) -Van Langren- Snellii (IAU: Isidorus F?) -Riccioli- Snellius Snellius, Vallis -Menzel, 1971- Sniadecki -NASA- Snoopy (Apollo-17 site) -NASA- Snowman (Apollo-12 site) -Eskildsen- Snowman (Plato K and Plato KA) -Murray- Soccer player (the dark mare regions on the Full Moon) Soddy -Hewelcke- Sogdiana, Petra (dark area at S end of Vendelinus) -Hewelcke- Sogdiani, Montes (IAU: Piccolomini) Solitudinis, Lacus -Birt?- -Lee?- Somerville -Menzel, 1971- Sommerfeld -Maedler- Sömmering -Riccioli- Somni, Palus -Riccioli- Somniorum, Lacus -LTO- Sophocles (SW Diderot) Soraya (craterlet in Alphonsus) Sorby, Dorsa -Riccioli- Sosigenes (with IMP cluster on its floor) -Krieger- Sosigenes Bucht (see Sosigenes) Sosigenes, Rimae Sosigenes IMP or SIMP (large Irregular Mare Patch at Rimae Sosigenes) -Lamech- Soulayou (location unknown) -Birt- South South AP (South of the Aristarchus Plateau) (informal name) -NASA- South Cluster (Apollo-15 site) -NASA- South Crater (Apollo-12 site) -Caes- Southern farside mountain (50°30' South/ 123°30' West) -Rand McNally- Southern highlands (Tycho-Clavius region) -NASA- Southern twin (Apollo-15 site) -NASA- South Massif (Apollo-17 site) South Pole South Pole - Aitken basin (aka SPA) -NASA- South Ray (South Ray Crater) (Apollo-16 site) Sovietici, Montes (discontinued name) -NASA- SP (Apollo-16 site) SPA (South Pole - Aitken basin) -Van Langren- Spada (IAU: Marius) -NASA- SP Crater (A-11 region) -Schmidt- Spallanzani Spei, Lacus -Menzel, 1971- Spencer Jones -Van Langren- Spinola (IAU: Lilius) -Sternberg- Spinoza (IAU: Wilsing) -NASA- Spirit (Apollo-17 site) -Menzel, 1971- Spiru Haret (see Haret) -Blagg- Spitzbergen, Montes (aka Spitzbergensis, Montes) -NASA- Split Rock (aka Tracy's Rock / Station 6 boulder) (Apollo-17 site) -NASA- Spook (Apollo-16 site) -Krieger- Spörer -NASA- Spot (Apollo-16 site) -Franz- Spumans, Mare -NASA- Spur (Apollo-15 site) Spurr (at Palus Putredinis) -NASA- Sputnik (Apollo-17 site) -J.Moore- Squid, the (Irregular Mare Patch N°18) -Caes- Squirrel (Mare Cognitum and Mare Nubium during Full Moon) -NASA- St. George (Apollo-15 site) -Menzel, 1971- St. John -Hewelcke- St.Petro, Insula (IAU: Mons Vinogradov) -Riccioli- Stadius -Rand McNally- Stadius craterlets (see Stadius) Stadius, Rimae -rille seeker- Stadius C, Rima (ESE of Stadius C) -Maedler?- Stag's Horn (discontinued name for the mountain-complex south of Rupes Recta) -Caes- Stamp mountain (system of two hills SSE of Mons Rumker) -Birt- Stanley (one of the triplet of craters NW of Langrenus) -NASA- Star (Apollo-14 site) -NASA- Star Crater (A-11 region) -Menzel, 1971- Stark -Copeland- Star Tip Mountain (Mons Herodotus) -NASA- Station 6 boulder (aka Tracy's Rock / Split Rock) (Apollo-17 site) -IAU- / -NASA- Statio Tranquillitatis (Apollo-11 site) Stearns -Wilkins- Steavenson (Reichenbach A) -Menzel, 1971- Stebbins -RLA 1963- / -Menzel, 1971- Stefan -Menzel, 1971- Stein -Maedler- Steinheil (of the pair Steinheil-Watt) -Menzel, 1971- Steklov Stella (craterlet south of Apollo 17's Family Mountain) -Menzel, 1971- Steno -NASA- Steno-Apollo (Apollo-17 site) -Lamech- Stephanides (Romer A) (Wilkins's Ataturk) -Riccioli- Sterilitatis, Terra -Menzel, 1971- Sternberg (see Shternberg) -RP 1097- Sternfeld -Menzel, 1971- Stetson -Riccioli- Stevinus Stewart -Riccioli- Stiborius Stille, Dorsa -Riccioli- Stöfler -RLA 1963- Stokes -Menzel, 1971- Stoletov -NASA- Stone Mountain (Apollo-16 site) -NASA- Stonewall (Apollo-17 site) -Menzel, 1971- Stoney -Menzel, 1971- Störmer -Maedler- Strabo -Caes- Strabo's triplet (Strabo L, B, and N) -Birt- Straight Range (see Montes Recti) Straight Wall, The (Rupes Recta) -Wood- Straits of Fresnel (see Fresnel, Promontorium) -Van Langren- Stratii (IAU: Ukert) -Menzel, 1971- Stratton -Schroter- Street -Hewelcke- Strobilus, Mons (IAU: Isidorus) (with Capella?) -Menzel, 1971- Strömgren -Hewelcke- Strophades, Insulae (IAU: Darney Chi, Tau, Lambda) -Maedler- Struve -Birt- Struve, Otto -Hewelcke- Strymonicus, Sinus (E part of Mare Nubium) -NASA- Stubby (Apollo-16 site) -Menzel, 1971- Subbotin -NASA- Subsidiary peak (Apollo-15 site) Successus, Sinus (Luna-16 site) -Krieger- Suess Suess, Rima -Riccioli- Sulpicius Gallus -LTO- Sulpicius Gallus, Fossae Sulpicius Gallus, Rimae -Menzel, 1971- Sumner Sumner, Catena -Menzel, 1971- Sundman Sung-Mei, Rima (at Aratus CA, aka the LTO's Lorca) -NASA- Sunrise (Apollo-14 site) -NASA- Sunset (Apollo-16 site) -Hewelcke- Superiores, Paludes (faint bright line W part Mare Serenitatis) -NASA- Surveyor (Surveyor-3 and Apollo-12 site) -NASA- Survey Ridge (Apollo-16 site) Susan (craterlet in Catena Davy) -IAU 2009- Svedberg (south pole area) Sverdrup -Menzel, 1971- Swann -NASA- Swann Mountain (see Apollo-15 site) -NASA- Swann Range (see Apollo-15 site) Swasey Swift -Caes- Swimming pool (Brayley G) -NASA- SWP (Science Working Panel) (Apollo-17 site) -RLA 1963- Sylvester -Caes- Sylvester, Vallis (the valley near Sylvester) Sylvester-Nansen Basin Sylvester, Catena -Hewelcke- Syrticum, Mare (SW corner Oceanus Procellarum) -Hewelcke- Syrticus, Sinus (dark area SW of Encke) -Menzel, 1971- Szilard