Names of J.N.Krieger and R.Konig
Names of Johann Nepomuk Krieger (1865 - 1902) and Rudolf König (1865 - 1927)
Additional information to Appendix N (page 226) in Ewen A. Whitaker's [/Whitaker Mapping and Naming the Moon]Research: Danny Caes
Table of Contents
[#Names of Johann Nepomuk Krieger (1865 - 1902) and Rudolf König (1865 - 1927) Names of Johann Nepomuk Krieger (1865 - 1902) and Rudolf König (1865 - 1927)]
[#Names of Johann Nepomuk Krieger (1865 - 1902) and Rudolf König (1865 - 1927)-Discontinued names Discontinued names]
[#Names of Johann Nepomuk Krieger (1865 - 1902) and Rudolf König (1865 - 1927)-Official names Official names]
Discontinued names
(Appearing, now, only on Krieger's and König's lunar maps. Although a few of the following names were used on early IAU maps, none of them currently are.)
Note that most of these names were subdivisions of [/Montes%20Carpatus Montes Carpatus] and [/Montes%20Riphaeus Montes Riphaeus]. Two interesting photographs on page 164 of E. A. Whitaker's book (Figures 104, A and B) show J. N. Krieger's map of the Riphaeus region, with all the named subdivisions in it.
- Antural (at Montes Riphaeus)
- Banat (at Montes Carpatus)
- [/Cape%20Banat Banat Kap] (at Montes Carpatus)
- Banat Sinus (at Montes Carpatus, near Kap Banat)
- Cisneutra (at Montes Carpatus)
- Cissemlja (east of the incomplete crater Euclides P at the northern part of Montes Riphaeus)
- [/Sinus%20Gay-Lussac Gay-Lussac Sinus] (at Montes Carpatus)
- Jekaterinburg Damm (at Montes Riphaeus and the western part of [/Mare%20Cognitum Mare Cognitum])
- Jekaterinburg Pass (at the central part of Montes Riphaeus)
- Karische Strasse (at the northern part of Montes Riphaeus)
- Matra (at Montes Carpatus)
- Neutra (at Montes Carpatus)
- Neutra Streifen (near Montes Carpatus, streaks southwest of [/Pytheas Pytheas])
- Pietrosul (at Montes Carpatus)
- [/Pietrosul%20Bay Pietrosul Bucht] (at Montes Carpatus)
- Riphaeus Boreus (this and the following three names are subdivisions of Montes Riphaeus)
- Riphaeus Major
- Riphaeus Medius
- Riphaeus Minor
- [/Schneckenberg Schneckenberg] (north of [/Hyginus Hyginus])
- Semlja Nowaja note: this is a single name and not two -- see [/Montes%20Riphaeus Montes Riphaeus]
- Semlja Sinus (the incomplete crater Euclides P at the northern part of Montes Riphaeus)
- Sosigenes Bucht (near [/Sosigenes Sosigenes], at the western part of [/Mare%20Tranquillitatis Mare Tranquillitatis])
- Tatra (at Montes Carpatus)
- Transsemlja' (the northwestern part of Montes Riphaeus, and southwestern part of Euclides P's rim). Note: this is the Montes Ural on several modern moonmaps such as HALLWAGs. In the Times Atlas of the Moon it is called Euclides Delta, on AIC-76A (the map known as Euclides P) it is called Euclides Zeta.
- [/Ural Ural] (at Montes Riphaeus, south of Transsemlja)
Official names
(still printed on modern moonmaps, though not necessarily at the same positions)
- [/Angstr%C3%B6m Angström]
- [/Auwers Auwers]
- [/Bruce Bruce] (Miss)
- [/Burnham Burnham]
- [/Daguerre Daguerre]
- [/Dembowski Dembowsky]
- [/Draper Draper]
- [/Dunthorne Dunthorne]
- [/Elger Elger]
- [/Franz Franz]
- [/Gaudibert Gaudibert]
- [/Gould Gould]
- [/Gyld%C3%A9n Gylden]
- [/Holden Holden]
- Keeler (the I.A.U.'s [/Opelt Opelt] -- the I.A.U.'s [/Keeler Keeler] is nowadays a crater on the moon's Far Side)
- [/Promontorium%20Kelvin Kelvin, Kap] (Promontorium Kelvin)
- [/Klein Klein]
- [/Krieger Krieger]
- [/Lade Lade] (von)
- [/Lamont Lamont]
- [/Lepaute Lepaute]
- [/Lick Lick]
- [/Lippershey Lippershey]
- [/Loewy Loewy]
- [/Lohse Lohse]
- [/Marth Marth]
- [/Moltke Moltke]
- [/Oppolzer Oppolzer]
- [/Palisa Palisa]
- [/Pickering Pickering, E.]
- [/Pickering Pickering, W.]
- [/Prinz Prinz]
- [/Puiseux Puiseux]
- [/Ritchey Ritchey]
- [/Seeliger Seeliger]
- [/Sp%C3%B6rer Spörer]
- [/Suess Suess]
- [/Tempel Tempel]
- [/Tisserand Tisserand]
- [/Vogel Vogel]
- [/Weiss Weiss]
- [/Williams Williams]
- [/Wolf Wolf] (Max)
- [/Yerkes Yerkes]
- Zeno (not included in E. A. Whitaker's list on page 226, although it is seen on page 164; at Krieger's map of the Riphaeus mountains, in which the name "Zeno" is noticeable! -- the I.A.U.'s [/Zeno Zeno] is nowadays a crater near the moon's northeastern limb, as seen from Earth)
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