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Lat: 3.3°N, Long: 100.24 °W, Diam: 9.29 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside)


The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's north-up view of Pierazzo, the sharp-looking bowl shaped crater in the centre of the photograph. This crater is surrounded by a very well developed system of bright rays. This bright ejectablanket is only detectable during local noon circumstances (high sun, no shadows, only albedo phenomena). From earth it is (perhaps) visible during Full Moon (from Full Moon to Waning Crescent Moon, and ONLY DURING VERY FAVORABLE LIBRATION !!!).
The distinct couple Lenz and Lenz C are located to the west ("to the left") of Pierazzo (not visible in this photograph).
- DannyCaes Aug 15, 2015


Those who have a pair of good eyes could detect the eastern sunlit inner slopes and rim of Pierazzo near the lower margins of Lunar Orbiter V photographs 5013-h2, 5014-h2, 5015-h2, 5016-h2, 5017-h2, 5018-h2, 5019-h2, and 5020-h2 (in every one of these identical looking photographs, Pierazzo is the small crater "to the right" of the distinct couple Lenz and Lenz C; you can't miss that couple!).
Research Danny Caes


(LAC zone 72) USGS Digital Atlas PDF (LAC 72)


Bowl-shaped raycrater with pronounced (read: very impressive) ejectablanket (probably the most beautiful ray system on the entire surface of the moon!).
This crater (Pierazzo) and its ejectablanket are located "behind" (westward of) Hedin (which is the not-so-impressive crater "behind" or westward of the pronounced couple Cavalerius and Hevelius).


Additional Information

  • IAU page: Pierazzo
  • We could ask questions about the possible (or impossible?) visibility of the eastern part of Pierazzo's ejectablanket, this during very favourable libration of the moon's western limb zone (the Mare Orientale part of the moon). - DannyCaes Jun 18, 2015
  • According to Patricio Leon (Nunki), Pierazzo was captured in the LPOD Stormy of October the 24th, 2010 (see LPOD section below).
  • The nearest officially named crater is Lenz to the west-southwest (the distinct couple Lenz and Lenz C, which could be used as guide to detect the small raycrater Pierazzo to the east-northeast).


  • Elisabetta; Italian planetary scientist (1963-2011).
  • See also asteroid 15339 Pierazzo.

LPOD Articles

Stormy (October the 24th, 2010) (favourable libration photograph made by Peter Rosen, Sweden) (this is an interesting view of the western libration zone, and... according to Patricio Leon it shows us the high-albedo crater Pierazzo, west of Hedin).

LROC Articles

Dichotomy (small section of the inner slopes of crater Pierazzo).
Shades of Grey (high and low reflectance blocky ejecta).
Small Crater Ejecta (a tiny ray-craterlet on the western part of Pierazzo's ejectablanket, very near Lenz).
Luminous Pierazzo crater (article number 1000, close-up of Pierazzo).

Lettered craters
