Rimae La Hire

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Rimae La Hire seems to be a system of two rilles between Mons La Hire and La Hire Alpha (aka Mount Whipple, according to H.P.Wilkins and P.Moore).
These rilles are mentioned as Rima La Hire I and Rima La Hire II on charts 16 and 26 in the Times Atlas of the Moon.
See also Chart SLC-E3 of the System of Lunar Craters, and LAC 40.
Rima La Hire II is much larger than Rima La Hire I.
When both charts (16 and 26) in the Times Atlas of the Moon are compared with the "Big Shadows" representation of the WAC mosaic in the online LROC-QuickMap, then it is obvious why the name Rimae La Hire is not acceptable, because in reality there is absolutely no trace of both Rimae La Hire I and II. The whole thing is just a mixture of a wrinkle ridge with some sort of lobate scarps which looks more-or-less like two rilles.
What's real is the officially unnamed sinuous rille about halfway between Mons La Hire and the bowl-shaped crater La Hire B east of it, see: http://bit.ly/2zsfTJW

- DannyCaes Nov 2, 2017