Rima Widmannstatten

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(discontinued IAU name)

Strictly speaking, this page doesn't exist yet, it's up to someone (for example: an universitarian) to do something about it. Read: someone who has the perseverance to put information in it (in this embryonic page) while exploring the region near crater Widmannstatten on the online ACT-REACT Quick Map of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (the LRO).

I say, I want to keep my brain active (I'm a labourer at an industrial port) and so I decided to do it myself (the bold exploration of the region near lunar crater Widmannstatten).

- DannyCaes Sep 19, 2015

Saturday the 19th of September 2015, at about 15:00 U.T.

Exploring the Widmannstatten region at the southern part of Mare Smythii, in the online ACT-REACT Quick Map of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) :
And what do I see...
There's a long narrow rille just east of Widmannstatten itself, which runs more-or-less alongside the curved eastern rim of that crater (is this Rima Widmannstatten?).
On the eastern part of Widmannstatten's floor there's a short broad "rima" (there's a lot to discover in that part of Mare Smythii...).
- DannyCaes Sep 19, 2015