Reidel - Dordrecht

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Farside map of Reidel - Dordrecht

An additional exploration and investigation of a farside map drawn by Antonin Rukl, by Danny Caes

  • Note: this page appears to refer to the farside map from Rükl's set of six hemispheric maps of the Moon published in 1972

Alphabetic list of erroneous locations and absent nomenclature
- Although the Reidel's map of 1972 shows many of the IAU's official names (it is still a valuable source for those who want to explore the moon's farside via a map printed on paper), the alphabetic list below shows how much of them were not included during pre-press activities, or were printed at wrong locations.
- Was there ever an updated version of this map? (printed in the 80's, 90's, or 00's?).- DannyCaes Jun 27, 2010
- Many thanks to Jim Mosher, the explorer and investigator of the IAU's activities in official lunar nomenclature. A huge amount of Jim's research is already online in many pages of the Moon-Wiki project!- DannyCaes Jul 11, 2010

Alder (absent name)
Al-Khwarizmi (absent name)
Anders (absent name)
Andersson (absent name)
Andronov (absent name)

Balandin (absent name)
Banachiewicz (nearside name, printed at the location of Schlesinger B)
Benedict (absent name)
Bergman (absent name)
Bingham (absent name)
Blackett (absent name)
Blanchard (absent name)
Bobone (printed at the location of Kovalevskaya Q)
Borman (printed at the location of Lovell)
Bowditch (absent name)
Bronk (absent name)
Butlerov (this name was printed way too southward of its true location, a phenomenon which is also noticeable on the farside map of Hallwag)

Cailleux (absent name)
Chadwick (absent name)
Chappe (absent name)
Cori (absent name)
Coulomb (the crater officially called Coulomb shows the unofficial name Nechvile, while the location of Kramers C shows the name Coulomb)
Ctesibius (absent name)

D'Arsonval (absent name)
De Moraes (absent name)
Dobrovolsky (absent name)

Egnitis (an unofficial name printed at the location of the IAU's Murakami, a phenomenon which is also noticeable on the farside map of Hallwag)
Emden (the crater itself is almost unrecognizable on Rukl's map)

Fesenkov (absent name)
Finsen (absent name)
Fisher (absent name)
Florensky (absent name)

Glauber (absent name)
Grave (absent name)
Guillaume (absent name)
Guyot (this name was erroneously printed as Guoyt)

Harden (absent name)
Harkhebi (shows nearside name Riemann)
Hedin (nearside name, printed at the location of Schwarzschild K)
Hero (absent name)
Hopmann (shows nearside name Lamarck)

Ibn Firnas (absent name)
Isaev (absent name)

Jarvis (crewmember of shuttle STS 51-L, too recent to have been printed on the map)

Karrer (absent name)
Katchalsky (absent name)
Kearons (absent name)
Kepinsky (absent name)
Kosberg (absent name)
Kozyrev (absent name)

Lacus Luxuriae (absent name)
Lacus Oblivionis (absent name)
Lacus Solitudinis (absent name)
Lander (absent name)
Leonov (absent name)
Lewis (absent name)
Lipmann (absent name, crater called "Boltzmann" on the map)
Lovell (name was printed at the location of Borman)

Mandel'shtam (this name was printed a bit too westward of its true location)
McAuliffe (crewmember of shuttle STS 51-L, too recent to have been printed on the map)
McNair (crewmember of shuttle STS 51-L, too recent to have been printed on the map)
Minnaert (shows nearside name Rayleigh)
Moissan (absent name)
Murakami (shows the unofficial name Egnitis)

Necho (absent name)
Nechvile (this unofficial name was printed at location of the IAU's Coulomb)
Nikolaev (absent name)

Oberth (absent name)
Olivier (absent name)
Onizuka (crewmember of shuttle STS 51-L, too recent to have been printed on the map)

Patsaev (absent name)
Pikel'ner (absent name)
Planté (absent name)
Poczobutt (absent name)


Raspletin (absent name)
Recht (absent name)
Resnik (crewmember of shuttle STS 51-L, too recent to have been printed on the map)
Richards (absent name)
Richardson (absent name)
Rosseland (absent name)
Rutherford (absent name)
Rynin (absent name)

Scobee (crewmember of shuttle STS 51-L, too recent to have been printed on the map)
Shatalov (absent name)
Sherrington (absent name)
Shirakatsi (absent name)
Sikorsky (absent name)
Smith (crewmember of shuttle STS 51-L, too recent to have been printed on the map)
Soddy (absent name)
Stearns (absent name)
Sternfeld (name too recent to be printed)
Swann (the crater itself is almost unrecognizable on Rukl's map)

Tamm (absent name)
Tereshkova (absent name)
Tikhomirov (printed as "Tihomirov", without k)
Tiselius (absent name)
Titov (absent name)


Van Den Bos (absent name)
Vernadsky (printed as "Vernandsky", with second n)
Viviani (absent name)
Von Bekesy (absent name)
Vertregt (absent name, which is rather strange because the crater called Vertregt is not a very small one!)
Volkov (absent name)

Weber (absent name)


Yablochkov (absent name)

Zanstra (absent name)
Zasyadko (absent name)
Zwicky (absent name)

(the full content of this page should be online within a couple of weeks or months, or perhaps years).
- DannyCaes Jun 25, 2010