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Lat: 46.8°N, Long: 121.5°E, Diam: 98 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside), Nectarian

Table of Contents

[#Millikan Millikan]
[#Millikan-Images Images]
[#Millikan-Maps Maps]
[#Millikan-Description Description]
[#Millikan-Description: Wikipedia Description: Wikipedia]
[#Millikan-Additional Information Additional Information]
[#Millikan-Nomenclature Nomenclature]
[#Millikan-LPOD Articles LPOD Articles]
[#Millikan-Bibliography Bibliography]
external image normal_millikan-clem1.jpg


LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images
- Millikan was captured on Apollo 16's color-Hasselblad AS16-121-19445, near the central part of the frame's lower margin (near the sunset terminator).
- AS16-M-3021, which is one of Apollo 16's Fairchild-camera photographs made during Trans Earth Coast (TEC), shows Millikan near the frame's lower margin (very near the terminator).
- Research Apollo 16 photography: Danny Caes


(LAC zone 30B1) USGS Digital Atlas PDF


Description: Wikipedia


Additional Information


Robert Andrews Millikan (March 22, 1868 – December 19, 1953) was an American experimental physicist who won the 1923 Nobel Prize for his measurement of the charge on the electron and for his work on the photoelectric effect. Millikan received his doctorate in physics from Columbia University in 1895 – he was the first to earn a Ph.D. from that department. At Caltech most of his scientific research focused on the study of "cosmic rays" (a term which he coined).

LPOD Articles


This page has been edited 1 times. The last modification was made by - tychocrater tychocrater on Jun 13, 2009 3:24 pm - afx3u2