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Lat: 37.1°N, Long: 39.6°E, Diameter: 17.6 km, Depth: 3.4 km, Rukl: 15

Table of Contents

[#Maury Maury]
[#Maury-Images Images]
[#Maury-Maps Maps]
[#Maury-Description Description]
[#Maury-Description: Elger Description: Elger]
[#Maury-Additional Information Additional Information]
[#Maury-Nomenclature Nomenclature]
[#Maury-LPOD Articles LPOD Articles]
[#Maury-Bibliography Bibliography]
external image Maury-Clem.jpg


[[|LPOD Photo Gallery]] Lunar Orbiter Images


LAC map Geologic map


The Clementine image reveals this small Copernican age crater more clearly than it has ever been seen. It is a classic simple crater with angle of repose slopes, with some small amount of wall material slumped onto the floor on the east. Maury is large enough that its flat floor possesses a few small hills, marking the beginning of central peaks that are more obvious in larger craters. On a full Moon image its walls are blinding white, but it has no rays. - Chuck Wood

Description: Elger

MAURY.--A bright deep little ring-plain, about 12 miles in diameter, on the W. border of the Lacus Somniorum. It is the centre of four prominent hill ranges.

Additional Information


  • Matthew Fontaine Maury (January 14, 1806 – February 1, 1873), USN - American astronomer, astrophysicist, historian, oceanographer, meteorologist, cartographer, author, geologist, educator.
  • Antonia Coetana de Paiva Pereira Maury (March 21, 1866 - January 8, 1952) was an American astronomer. With the exception of the surname, she has exactly the same name as her ancestress. She was born in Cold Spring, New York. Her father and mother were Rev. Mytton Maury and Virginia Draper. Reverend Mytton Maury is a descendant of Reverend James Maury who fathered 13 children. They are all related to one another and to Commander Matthew Fontaine Maury of the United States Naval Observatory and his large family.
  • List of features named for women.
  • Maury A, a crater southeast of Maury itself, was once known as Touchet (Emile Touchet). This was one of Felix Chemla Lamech's new names, but the I.A.U. did not accept this name.
  • Research Lamech's "Touchet": Ewen A. Whitaker and Danny Caes (August 2003, mail correspondence).
  • The part of Lacus Somniorum between Maury, Maury A (Lamech's "Touchet"), and Hall, is called Lacus Locusta, or Lobster Lake by the dedicated moon-observer RonB(ee).

LPOD Articles


Lamech's "Touchet": Mapping and Naming the Moon; a history of lunar cartography and nomenclature (Ewen A. Whitaker).

This page has been edited 1 times. The last modification was made by - tychocrater tychocrater on Jun 13, 2009 3:24 pm - afx4