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Emory (Apollo 17 site craterlet name)

Lat: 20.1°N, Long: 30.8°E, Diam: 1 km, Depth: km, Rükl: 25

external image normal_Apollo_17_Landing_site_craters_2.JPG
Apollo 17 Site Traverses Chart


LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images


(LAC zone 43D1) LAC map Geologic map LTO map

IAU page


The Landing Site Name "Emory" is plotted on Topophotomap 43D1/S1 and Site Traverses chart 43D1S2.
  • Emory (crater) - "William H. Emory was one of the most capable members of the United States Army Corps of Topographical Engineers who, in the quarter century prior to the American Civil War, systematically explored the American West. This group of military officers and explorers had specialized training in the physical sciences and engineering, and held many close parallels to the Astronauts and Cosmonauts of today. Following in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark and the mountain men, they provided the basic information required to open up the West for travel and eventual settlement." The crew of Apollo 17 planned to stop at Emory during the first EVA but, because they ran short of time, made a geology stop near Steno, a crater much closer to the LM (source: APOLLO LUNAR SURFACE JOURNAL, Eric M. Jones).

Description: Wikipedia

Emory (correct link)

Additional Information

  • Gene Cernan's (possible) observation of Emory from Apollo 17's Station 1 near Steno-Apollo crater, see page 260 in David M. Harland's Exploring the Moon (1999).- DannyCaes May 4, 2014


  • Astronaut-named feature, Apollo 17 site, approved in IAU Transactions XVIB (1976).
  • The name honors William H. Emory (1811–1887), an Army officer involved in the mapping of the American Southwest. The astronauts regarded his role and training as analogous to their own in exploring space.
  • A small crater southwest of Emory seems to have been called Mitchell. Another small crater southeast of Emory seems to have been called Towers. A crater about the same size of Emory (east of Emory itself) seems to have been called Faust. (source: APOLLO 17 Preliminary Science Report).- DannyCaes May 4, 2014

LPOD Articles


Harland, David M. EXPLORING THE MOON, the Apollo expeditions.