Rükl 39

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Rükl Zone 39 - GRIMALDI

Neighboring maps on the Rükl Nearside Map:







Photographic Map

(This map is based on an Earth-based photograph that has been computer-corrected to zero libration. The vertical white lines indicate the left and right boundaries of the Rükl rectangle)
Background image source

Nearside Named Features

  • Bertaud (a disallowed name from H.P.Wilkins for Sirsalis A, west of Sirsalis itself).
  • Bonvicini (Van Langren's disallowed name for the dark spot Riccioli D).
  • Damoiseau
  • Dorsa Damoiseau G, aka Damoiseau G ring (two unofficial names from D.Caes for the more-or-less circle shaped system of wrinkle ridges between Damoiseau E (at southwest), Damoiseau G (at northeast), Damoiseau Ga (at southeast), and Damoiseau Gb (at northwest). The centre of this curious ring of wrinkle ridges is the location of a very small hillock which is nicknamed Tiny island by D.Caes. Could this be the uppermost summit of the pronounced central peak of a vanished large crater, of which only some ghost-like appearance of its upper rim remained?).
  • Dorsum Damoiseau H (an unofficial name from D.Caes for the wrinkle ridge northeast of the incomplete crater Damoiseau H, east-northeast of Damoiseau itself).
  • Eustachius (Riccioli's disallowed name for Sirsalis Z).
  • Grimaldi (Van Langren's Lacus Possidoni vel Antecaspi, J.Hewelcke's Palus Maraeotis).
  • Harris (a disallowed name from H.P.Wilkins for Riccioli E).
  • Hartwig
  • Hermann
  • Lacus Autumni
  • Lallemand
  • Lohrmann
  • Lowe (a disallowed name from H.P.Wilkins for Riccioli A).
  • Lybiae pars (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for the west-southwestern limb area).
  • Lunar Orbiter 5 (impacted on January 31, 1968, at 2.79° South/ 83.1° West) (west of Riccioli).
  • Miyamori Valley (an unofficial name for the so-called valley between Lohrmann and Riccioli) (called "Miyamori Valley " by Japanese lunar observer Sakuzo Miyamori) (see also LPOD Not a Valley).
  • Mons Thambes (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for a vague high-albedo area northeast of Hermann).
  • Montes D'Alembert (discontinued IAU name).
  • Mount Sirsalis, aka Sirsalis Beta (C.A.Wood's names for the elevation north of Sirsalis).
  • Oceanus Procellarum (Van Langren's Oceanus Philippicus) (the southwestern part of it, occupying the upper-right section of Chart 39).
  • Ossolinski (Van Langren's disallowed name for the bright spot Sirsalis A).
  • Riccioli
  • Rimae Grimaldi
  • Rimae Riccioli
  • Rocca
  • Saheki (a disallowed name from H.P.Wilkins for Grimaldi B, the distinct bowl shaped crater at the northern part of Grimaldi's rim).
  • Schlüter (the dark region in it was once known as Mare Hiemis) (Schluter was once called Malvasia by J.H.Schroter).
  • Sirsalis (J.Hewelcke's Mons Climax).
  • Stagnum Miris (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for the low-albedo spot on the floor of Riccioli).
  • Swirlette (a nickname from C.A.Wood and D.Caes for the small Reiner Gamma type swirl between Lohrmann A and Hermann) (also called the Lily by D.Caes) (see also Additional Information, below).
  • Terra Caloris (Riccioli's discontinued name for the region west of Oceanus Procellarum).
  • Terra Iustitiae (Van Langren's disallowed name for the region west of Oceanus Procellarum).
  • Tiny island (a nickname from D.Caes for the very small hillock in the centre of the more-or-less circle shaped system of wrinkle ridges between Damoiseau E and Damoiseau G) (Tiny island is the "chief" of a small cluster of very tiny hillocks; all together an interesting target for today's telescopic photographers of the southwestern part of Oceanus Procellarum) (Tiny island is captured as a very small white speck on Chart 26 of C.A.Wood's and M.J.S.Collins's 21st Century Atlas of the Moon, at coordinates 2-D,E) (you need a powerful magnifying glass to see it!) (the second photograph in LROC-article number 315 shows Tiny island to the lower right of the frame's centre).

Farside Named Features

(The following features are not formally included in the present Rükl rectangle, but they are adjacent to it and their centers are less than 10° beyond the mean limb -- so they may be seen here in whole or in part with a favorable libration)

Lettered Crater Locations

(click on the thumbnails to view full-sized images; use browser BACK button to return to this page)

Full zone with lettered craters

external image Rukl_39_satellites.jpg

Lettered craters by quadrants

(the dashed white lines are the centerlines of the Rükl zones)
North West
North East

external image Rukl_39_satellites_NW.jpg

external image Rukl_39_satellites_NE.jpg

external image Rukl_39_satellites_SW.jpg

external image Rukl_39_satellites_SE.jpg

South West
South East

Additional Information


  • West of Hermann, toward Lohrmann A, is a little Reiner Gamma type swirl which looks distinct on the photographs made by the Clementine orbiter of 1994. The exact location of that little swirl is: 1° South/ 61° West. Strange to say, chart 49 of the TIMES ATLAS OF THE MOON shows a little crater instead of a Reiner Gamma type swirl. Chart 39 of Antonin Rukl's ATLAS OF THE MOON shows just nothing (only a north-south oriented wrinkle ridge, which is not related to the swirl!). Detection of swirl:- DannyCaes Nov 20, 2008

Apollo 17's orbital photography of the western equatorial limb regions in earthshine

  • This region (craters Schluter, Hartwig, and the northeastern part of Mare Orientale) was protographed in earthshine during the mission of Apollo 17 (december 1972). It is a rather curious thought, to know that the regions behind the limb (the left part of Rukl's libration-zone VII) were the most unknown (and most un-photographable) regions during the whole Apollo project (bathed in pitch black darkness!). See also Map 38; the opposite region on the lunar sphere, which was the most photographed (and most sunlit) area on the moon!- DannyCaes Nov 20, 2008